[center][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/8026/496ec3b508ae1432b9b2a11f9e4f457f1d186c1cr1-1126-1125_00.gif[/img] [b][color=376877]Wordage:[/color][/b] [i]291 (+1 points)[/i] [b][color=376877]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]15/20 EXP[/i] [b][color=376877]Location:[/color][/b] [i](The Under) Forsaken Land[/i] [/center] Finstertöter hung on the broad shoulders of Artorias the goliath of a man that was the knight had a slow going as he climbed ever downward. Having sacrificed both gauntlets to the yawning darkness below over the course of the Seekers fight with Pizza Head, one free bare hand bled as it gripped the rocky face of the stone that slowly became cavern walls the further he went below but he ignored the pain focused on keeping a hold as to not fall to an untimely demise. Last to meet up with the rest of the team the knight only heard the end of Barnabee's speech, Artorias quaffing down a swig of Estus spoke up after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand that healed thanks to the healing draught "[color=376877]The deeper thoust goes methinks the darker thy secrets thou shall find.[/color]" meaningless though such a comment would seem the knight was in fact speaking from experience both in this world and his own. "[color=376877]Tis my life to root out the evil in the world and put it to the sword. We shalt find a path or carve one ourselves.[/color]" the knight said offhandedly to Barnabee, glowing eyes fixated as they caught a glance in the direction of the ruined stonework that might have been a great arena-like building once. The architecture was nothing like the one he remembered passing through in Oolacile in what seemed ages ago now yet it called to him. Reminded of his past, so without another word Artorias set off in the ruined coliseums direction his greatsword slung on his left shoulder as his metallic footsteps echoed behind him. He wondered what challenges would await him there, and uncharacteristically it made him giddy inside to find out…