[h2]Tyaethe[/h2] It was a shame that Bors was such a loyal fellow. Someone like that, armoured... well, there would always be [i]something[/i] someone like that could offer that the knights were lacking, even if he turned out otherwise unremarkable. But it seemed that he was more than satisfied with Alette as an employer, and Tyaethe wasn't even going to try pestering a mercenary into making an attempt to sign up. Someone like that would never lower herself to being under some other's command, for one. And people would probably be annoyed if the captain just brought people in because they were good at the knights' entire [i]purpose[/i] and not sufficiently 'distinguished' or from Thaeln, as if that wasn't how they'd just found people to [i]start[/i] with... But with the information that the mercenaries were headed to a holy site, the vampire's cast darkened, and her demeanour for the entire journey had been frighteningly tense. Both in how tightly she held herself and the occasional dim haze of red whenever something off the path made too much noise as it fled from the travelling knights, even if it was just another rabbit or some particularly bold deer. Or a sheep. By the time they reached Cae Mayl, a few of their group were distinctly woozy and [i]not[/i] to take the lead if any fighting broke out, and the paladin sat gleaming in armour, the late afternoon sun catching on the gilding fetchingly while the blued steel kept to a dull gleam. It was quite the sight for something that didn't [i]really[/i] exist. Abruptly, much of Tyaethe's tension drained out, even if she didn't allow the armour to dissipate. [i]It hasn't been used. Not here.[/i] "The shrine is the same as ever," she stated, armour making the voice a [i]little[/i] less dissonant with her appearance, "It remains uncorrupted."