Lots of bad news. That Shilone would hit them like a bag of hammers, and even with the MechBusters, all it would take for someone to meet their makers was to zig instead of zag. But despite the bad news, she still had to stifle a snicker at the description of the Crimson Fists. [color=76D0FF]”So nothing changes, then.”[/color] Marit commented when the Colonel mentioned the need for hit and run attacks. The bad news wasn’t ending, given the revelation about the mysterious nuke suppliers. The supposed angry peasants were also mercs in all but name, and on the other hand their only friendly contacts were the people who actually seemed to be angry peasants. Fate, the fuck did the ‘Knights ever do to you? Then, more news, and in a way she couldn’t decide if it was good or bad. [color=76D0FF]”Oh gods, Ziska with a nuke. I was just thinking I wasn’t having any nightmares.”[/color] Marit grinned, [color=76D0FF]”What are you gonna do with that, strap it to the Raven and headbutt someone?”[/color] Actually, maybe she should shut up and stop giving her ideas, assuming she hadn’t already thought of that and something worse. It was Ziska, she probably did. The news of von Kemp’s possible survival was great to hear, but if she was stuck in bad guy country with nothing but the clothes she dug out of some dumpster somewhere it could still go wrong. They were burying enough people as was already. She’d celebrate when Lena was back among them in one piece. [color=76D0FF]”But count me in on that rescue run when it comes around.”[/color]