[color=#E6300B]Dick waited the minute or so it took the rest of the Titans to get to the meeting room. All the while he kept his eyes on Grazer, still trying to figure out what he was thinking beneath his mask. But that staring contest ended when Starfire entered the room. Somehow her presence always dragged Dick away from what he was focusing on. It was kind of a mystery to Dick, not realizing how dense he could be sometimes. After Starfire explained what was going on with Soleil, Dick responded, [color=#1F1D1E]“I mean another helping hand couldn’t hurt, though I’ll keep my eye on her. Something is just off about her, so I’d like to keep her close so I can watch her.”[/color] However Dick would not respond to Star’s question if Soleil was familiar to him as well. Truth be told, she was, but Dick couldn’t place her. However, a lot of Dick’s memories from before he became Robin were foggy, like a half-remembered past life. Perhaps he had met her while traveling with Haly’s Circus. Dick was brought back out of his thoughts when Raven entered the room and stated that such thoughts should be put on hold until Ghost was saved. Dick agreed, though he did still stare at Soleil when she entered the meeting room with Alrick. The alleged cousins didn’t have time to say anything before Lio entered as well, asking what the situation was. [color=#1F1D1E]“As Cyborg and Beast Boy are away on a mission, I guess this is all of us, so we can begin,”[/color] stated Dick, [color=#1F1D1E]“All we know right now is that Ghost was out on patrol and reported something in. He had only managed to send us his coordinates before we lost contact. As such this is an urgent situation, one that I’m assigning pretty much the whole team to.”[/color] Dick then pulled up a satellite view of the coordinates Ghost provided on the main screen, before continuing, [color=#1F1D1E]“We are currently not able to detect his communicator, so we’re going to take the T-Jet. I believe that Grazer will be accompanying us, as will Soleil. However I’m going to rely on you Apollo to look after her as I haven’t had time to assess her powers. Now if no one has any questions, we can head to the hangar.”[/color] Just then a notification beeped on Dick’s computer. Apparently two figures were standing at the door to Titans Tower. While this wasn’t a good time, Dick did recognize one as Captain Marvel. It was only then that Dick remembered that the League had contacted him about taking in a ward of the League. Except they were early by about an hour. [color=#1F1D1E]“Pulse, can you go check the front door. I was supposed to meet a man named Bob today, and he’s come early. See if you can get him to come back later. After that meet us at the coordinates, which I just sent to your ring. I know you can fly as fast as the T-Jet,”[/color] ordered Dick. Dick then rose from his seat and began to walk over to the elevator, the other Titans following. Taking the lift all the way to the hangar, Dick was met with the familiar set of the orange T-Jet. [color=#1F1D1E]“Alright team, let’s load up,”[/color] stated Dick as he boarded the high tech plane. [/color] [hr] [color=#BCBFA3]Lio was apparently the last to the room, finding all the usual Titans here, except Beast Boy and Cyborg who had left on a mission the previous day. Lio also noted that the girl Soleil was also in the meeting room, which seemed odd to Lio. However his attention quickly shifted to Robin explaining the mission. Apparently a Titan named Ghost had called for backup only to go dark. Before Lio could pull up the coordinates with his pseudo-ring, Robin had already put in on the big screen. Whatever satellite Robin had linked to produced an average quality image, which again Lio was noted as odd. After all, Robin used to work with the Batman, a hero who could seemingly find any piece of evidence. Perhaps the image quality meant nothing, but Lio still noted it in his mind. Robin then stated that they were going to get in the T-Jet and go to Ghost’s last known location. The leader of the Titans also said that this new guy Grazer, and the mysterious Soleil were to come along. Lio wondered if either of them had powers, or were just super skilled like Robin. Either way, Lio would keep an eye on them during this mission. But just as Lio was rising from his seat to head to the hangar, Robin asked him to check out who was at the front door of the Tower. While Lio did want to leave with the Titans, he knew that Robin was right in saying that he could easily catch up with them using his pseudo-ring. [color=#26FF60]“Alright, boss I’ll check the door,”[/color] stated Lio. Lio remained in the meeting room as the other Titans took the elevator to the hangar. Once a second elevator arrived, Lio took it to the main floor. Briskly walking to the front door, as he didn’t want to miss any of the mission, Lio swiped his Titans communicator, causing the massive doors to open. Standing outside the door on the steps were two very tall men. While one was easily six foot something, the other man dwarfed him, standing at what Lio guessed to be about nine feet. Standing in front of the massive and muscular man made Lio feel uneasy, visions of the man squashing him like a bug frittering about in his head. However, Lio noted that he had kind eyes and a friendly smile. It was only then that Lio recognized the other man as Captain Marvel, a newer member of the Justice League. This officially brought the number of League members he had met to two. Lio had to assume the giant of a man was Bob, the person Robin had mentioned. What business Bob had with the Titans’ leader, Lio did not know. All he knew was that this was cutting into mission time. [color=#26FF60]“You’re here to see Robin right?”[/color] Lio asked, [color=#26FF60]“Unfortunately the Titans are busy with a mission right now, so could you come back later? There’s a really good pizza place and arcade across the bay. You could kill several hours there.”[/color] Lio thought about scanning the two with his pseudo-ring to make sure they were who they said they were and not dummy robot bombs from Toyman, but felt it would be rude. Plus the Titans Tower’s security would have detected if Lio was in any actual trouble. [/color]