As soon as they reached a certain distance away from the Morahti camp, the signal was given to split up. They would move through the rock and hills, taking positions around the camp. Once the horses had been set loose by Kayliss, she would have Sir Roger mounted upon Shortclaw spook them. With the camp in chaos, the Morahti's prowess when it came to combat on horseback would be eliminated. That was not to say they were not dangerous fighters on-foot, but by utilizing their most heavily armored soldiers as their vanguard they would have an effective resistance to the curved blades of the Morahti. Such weapons were ill-suited to cutting through plate armor. The bulk of their forces would have to stay at distance, and use the cover of the rocks and hills in order to avoid detection until the horses had been set loose. The camp itself was composed of about a dozen red-domed tents. One was larger than the others, likely denoting its nature as a meeting area or the quarters of the Morahti leader. The horses were to the side of it. It seemed the prisoners were likely being held in one of the tents, while the bulk of the foreign mercenaries were around a large bonfire, drinking and speaking in their own language. [@Raineh Daze][@Psyker Landshark][@The Otter][@VKAllen][@Eisenhorn][@Crimson Paladin][@Conscripts][@HereComesTheSnow][@Octo][@PigeonOfAstora]