Michael took in a deep breath. "It's as Niccia said. Eros expressed curiosity about the world and if you agree we wouldn't mind taking him along on our journey." Something about Benny sitting so carefree on Arceus made the god of all Pokémon seem more approachable, nor did he sound upset when he told them what he had heard already. Lytse, who was behind Michael, decided to help his trainer. [i]"I-I'll help them look after Eros,"[/i] he promised. Andy looked from his nephew to Eros, rubbing his chin. He didn't have to be back at the research facility soon; he was doing fieldwork for an undisclosed amount of time, so he could hang out with the young trainers and all the Legendary offspring they seemed to collect on the way. If they would want him to stay, of course. Jirachi floated to Frosiien. [i]"I'll be taking my leave now, it was nice seeing you all. I promised Mindy I'll show her where I always sleep, so I'll take her along. Her Dragonite can get us there very fast. I wonder how it is to be flown somewhere instead, and how fast the Dragonite really goes."[/i] Mindy was collecting her Pokémon when Jirachi mentioned her to Frosiien.