[quote=@rush99999] [@Excession] Who are the typical speakers of the other languages? (Other than Urd and Trollish, you've already established who speaks Urd and I think I can hazard a guess as to who speaks Trollish.) [/quote] Stormtongue is used in the Stormcircle, with a variant dialect called Basechatter used by lower classes and among the various anarchies of the 'Circle. Eld is spoken by the Kromsian vampire cult but they're a very cosmopolitan people and often speak several languages. Kaeri is spoken in the People's Necrocommunist Union of Kaer. Tock is used by the Machinist's Guild in the City-Engine, and they also use a dialect mingled with Tradestongue. Creak is Crantiré language. Twitch is a sign language originally developed by rats. Pirates' Cant is a melange of other languages used by pirates, criminals, and outcasts. Lots of rhyming slang. Tradestongue is a creole of Stormtongue and some dead languages with a few Urd loanwords which spread along trade routes and stuck. Great for bartering, negotiating, and so on but it's also a language where 'this is my spouse whom I love very much' is literally 'this is my favoured business partner who much enriches my purse'. The more languages the party speaks the more I will amuse myself with literal translations. A diplomatic translator will say the Lezekim delegate used the term 'respected Inquisitor' but the literal translation is 'interloper to be tolerated until offence inevitably is given', Very semantically dense language, Urd.