[color=gray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vm76qmi.png[/img][/center] [color=FireBrick][b]Location:[/b] [/color]Tea Party [color=FireBrick][b]Time:[/b] [/color] Sola 23 [color=FireBrick][b]Mentions:[/b] [/color] Prince Callum [@Helo] [color=FireBrick][b]Interactions:[/b] [/color] Prince Wulfric [@SilverPaw] [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/3681903f-47dc-4060-bb3f-9be6a4cb40b6.e647eae5856635c34a305bb49a6b22c0.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff]Shoes[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/ed/aa/20edaa65584b90fd07356dfa8d635d23.jpg] Hair [/url] [url=https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3_pi/2021/08/09/1628495795273d5ffbddacbb591da1390e9b344fc6_thumbnail_600x.jpg]Neckless[/url] [url=https://www.rkbridal.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/r/k/rk_bridal_its_where_you_buy_your_gown_1089.jpg]Gown[/url] [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKTPTOL7NaaSkv-ePBcKzsB8GUM-US1mwZxh21C-tN5Z2QYtdDt33FH4uERypG9pGzYVo&usqp=CAU]Parasol[/url] Violet's level of comfort continued to drain as she could feel the discomfort rising within her chest. Likely more eyes on her and she was certain more whispers as well. She couldn’t blame them, she would likely feel the same if she had to look at herself. Perhaps she should be thankful that she couldn’t. She was taken aback by Prince Wulfric's remark about her attackers. Did he possess knowledge of the vicious attack she had suffered in the park? Or was he perhaps alluding to her death itself? The uncertainty of his intentions weighed heavily on her thoughts, adding to the labyrinth of emotions that entangled her mind. Despite her mother's stories, Violet remained oblivious to the identity of her assailants. She only knew of the haunting result - her new form, a cursed existence. A chilling idea emerged within her, one she dared not utter aloud: seeking out those who had wronged her and taking her vengeance in a ghastly, vampiric manner. The scent of blood tickled her nose and she had to pull herself back. [color=firebrick] “Attackers?” [/color] Violet said, her voice low in tone to match his. [color=firebrick] “ I wouldn’t think of a Prince being interested in the gossip columns and whispers of bored nobles.” [/color]She restrained herself from voicing the raw truth that danced on her lips, opting instead to hide behind a facade of deception while resenting the tales woven around her. Her true feelings certainly weren’t masked in her tone as she spoke. Suddenly, a jarring trumpet blared through the hall, causing Violet to flinch. The sound invaded her sensitive ears, a consequence of her loss of sight. She winced, holding her hand up to her ear as if trying to shield herself from the auditory assault. Attempting to lighten the mood, she tried to jest about her heightened hearing, but the pain etched on her face betrayed the truth. [color=Firebrick]“ What-Sorry? … I can’t hear you after that assault to my ear.”[/color] she said jokingly.[color=firebrick] “ Since my eyesight has left me, my hearing has become rather sensitive. The doctor said something about when people lose their eyes sights the other sights kick in to compensate. “[/color] The boy on her arm helped steady her before resuming his formation on her arm. [color=firebrick] “I am not sure I’d consider blasting a very out-of-tune trumpet into your guest's ears as a form of entertainment, but I suppose to each their own.” [/color] She took a short pause to nod, giving the attendant a nod as well as he lead the way to a table towards a shaded area of the event. The boy pulled out of her seat, touching her shoulder gently to guide her down to the chair. Violet sat under the shade of a rather large tree, feeling comfortable enough to collapse her parasol and rest it against her chair. The relief from having to hold it for so long felt pleasant. The boy seeing Violet had settled, moved back away from her just enough to see her but not enough to intrude on any conversation. [color=firebrick] “ I am curious to know where you got your information from Prince Wulfric, regarding my injury that is." [/color] she said rather bluntly, bringing them back to their original conversation. [/color]