[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0hO0FZd.jpg[/img] [h1][color=#bcb0de]Lhoren Ashdale[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] [center]Day 1 [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Time:[/color] Evening [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Weather:[/color] Light Rain [color=734e66]◈[/color][color=7ea7d8]Location:[/color] Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom [color=734e66]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Participants:[/color] Lhoren Ashdale [@Silver Carrot], Tessa Vellhart [@Mirandae], Sylvia Copeland [@LuckyBlackCat] [/center] [hr][hr] Lhoren heard Sylvia's offer to dance, and considered it. Lhoren and Sylvia weren't exactly friends but weren't total strangers either. Lhoren occasionaly gave Sylvia stern hints to not let her shenanigans get too out of hand, and they both stuck up for any psychiccer who got teased or bullied in the prescence of them both, but Lhoren had heard enough of Sylvia's mind to know that they weren't especially compatible as acquaintances. Still, Sylvia was more than presentable tonight. Her dress was very nice and suited her well. Sylvia's reflexes might make her a good dancer too, but Lhoren had never seen her dance and she didn't seem like the type of person to learn. Asking her would be a gamble. They might pull off a very impressive dance together, or Sylvia might decide to goof around and show Lhoren up. While Lhoren was considering it, she didn't make eye contact with Sylvia in case the choice was made for her. As Lhoren looked around, weighing her other options, she saw that Tessa was at the party! Not only that, but she was walking right towards her! There were many beatiful students and teachers at this academy. There were several who were exactly Lhoren's type, that she had lowkey crushes on. Tessa went so far beyond that world. She was almost etherial in her beauty. Of course, with her hair, dress and makeup for the ball, she almost seemed like a mirage or a hallucination. Only when she actually spoke, and Lhoren began hearing her thoughts alongside, was the spell broken. Even the other younger members of the faculty don't seem as much like ordinary, friendly approachable students as Tessa still did. Hearing that Tessa thought Lhoren looked fabulous immediately put her on the back foot, and Lhoren's mask couldn't quite hide all of the color that was starting to fill her cheeks. She stood still as a statue as Tessa examined her dress. Though when Tessa began talking about her journey to the ball, Lhoren's eyes went wide and she sobered up very fast as she listened in disbelief. She wasn't just listening to Tessa tell her story, but also listening to her remembering the events in full detail. [color=#bcb0de]"I don't know how you still find the energy to be so cheerful and bubbly after going through that, Tessa. I really don't!"[/color] Lhoren replied, straining her voice to be heard over the crowd without resorting to shouting. [color=#bcb0de]"You really are amazing."[/color]