[color=lightgray][center][h1][color=#758173]Mina[/color], [color=85aabd]Wystan[/color] & [color=E77298]Anastasia[/color][/h1][/center] [color=758173]Interactions:[/color] [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@Tpartywithzombi] Violet [hr] Their turn in line arrived, and Wystan stood before them. As he would begin the customary inspection, Mina couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and mischief. She cast a playful glance at the bodyguard.[color=#758173] "Oh, I hope you'll be thorough in your search. Wouldn't want me sneaking any dangerous weapons past you, now would we?"[/color] Her tone carried a flirtatious undertone, a glimmer of amusement dancing in her eyes. Her uncle gave her a brief, amused glance as he removed the sword Mina had noticed him wearing earlier and handed it over as he complied with the rule of no weapons. He’d never been fond of Mina’s flirtatious ways, but he also understood why she did what she did. He just wasn’t sure if Wystan was one she should be playing her games with. Mina's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as she leaned closer, her voice a mere whisper.[color=#758173] "I trust you'll handle me with care, Wystan. After all, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a threat."[/color] She wondered if he’d be surprised that she knew his name or not, but she always made a note to try and learn everyone’s names, whether they were servants or nobility. Wystan was one she considered more important to remember as well as he was often around Prince Auguste. [hr] [color=#758173]"Oh, I hope you'll be thorough in your search. Wouldn't want me sneaking any dangerous weapons past you, now would we?"[/color] .[color=85aabd] “Of course not, my lady,” [/color] Wystan replied obediently– though he had not known her to be the type to carry weapons. They were familiar faces both at the royal estate and based on his research on the noble and ignoble men and women who step foot near the Danroses. He had given both Count and Lady Blackwood a customary bow before resuming his work, receiving the kind Earl’s sword with fair thanks who was later in turn gently guided inside by the servants. [color=tan]“I’ll wait for you inside, Mina.”[/color] The Count called out, but Mina simply waved to him. She wanted him to go enjoy himself as she in turn enjoyed herself. The watchdog had expected Lady Blackwood’s turn next, and after having gone through plenty of grumpiness and rowdiness at just the gathering’s line itself, it also happened to be the first time his ears were graced with a whisper this day. He leaned in himself midway to be able to fully grasp her words.[color=85aabd] "...After all, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a threat." [/color] His ears tingled, but this time it was not in a way that perceived a threat. Strange. As this woman was quite an important figure that had often appeared at the royal estate’s gatherings, it was even stranger that she had known his name. A half moment was taken to process what the soon-to-be countess was trying to say, but he simply chose to take it at face value. [color=85aabd]“Worry not, Lady Blackwood,” [/color] Wystan spoke earnestly as he worked around her garb, his hands still maintaining a respectful distance from her, barely making contact with skin not covered by fabric. [color=85aabd]“You are far from a threat. As one of our trusted guests, your and Count Blackwood’s’ safety is my utmost priority. I will allow no harm to come to anyone during this gathering.” [/color] [color=85aabd]“...As such, if either of you should find yourselves in any form of discomfort, I will not be far.”[/color] He said, carefully finishing off his security checkup. Mina's mischievous smile widened as she listened to Wystan's response. She admired his dedication to ensuring their safety, even if it meant enduring her playful banter. She almost wanted to chastise all those that were giving him any grief. [color=#758173]"Well, I'm relieved to know that I'm in capable hands,"[/color] she replied with a playful glint in her eyes. [color=#758173]"Your diligence is truly commendable. I shall remember your offer of protection, should the need arise."[/color] Her voice carried a hint of flirtation, a gentle teasing in her tone. She then dipped into a small curtsy as he finished up his check. [color=#758173]“I do thank you for being gentle with me, it was my first time after all.”[/color] She was playing with fire, she knew this, but it was all too much fun. [color=85aabd]“Of course, my lady. I will be at your service.”[/color] A bow followed after. It was at this moment that Wulfric appeared, speaking to Mina and reprimanding her for her actions. She glanced at him, a defiant smirk forming on her lips, but before she could speak she was pushed backwards by a different Danrose. A loud cough filled the air. [color=E77298]“Hello! …[i]I believe I’m next.[/i]”[/color] Anastasia pushed forward around Mina as her voice cut through the air. It wasn’t clear exactly where she had been in line or even why, but she made her way to stand in between Mina and Wystan. Clad in a [url=i.imgur.com/qjIrtUF.png] long white dress[/url] with gold details and red roses adorning it, the ashen-haired princess stood before him with a smile. [color=E77298]“Hello Wystan.”[/color] [color=85aabd]“Your Royal Highness,”[/color] The watchdog was visibly pleased. He smiled and greeted Anastasia with a deep bow. [color=85aabd]“Your presence here was much anticipated, and I am truly glad to see you well. May I?”[/color] He spread his gloved hands before her, politely asking for permission before going ahead with the security check. Though he was unsure if anybody else in the reception area had noticed it, there was a warm glow radiating from Ana that day, and the idea of putting his hands on her felt like a sin. Mina took note of the interaction in front of her, finding it quite intriguing. She would simply log that away for use on a different day. [color=#758173]”Thank you for your service, Wystan.”[/color] She dipped in a curtsy to the man, looked to Anastasia and gave her quite the smirk. [color=#758173]”Princess…”[/color] Another curtsy and then she’d left their company to now address Wulfric. The princess had given her a smile back but said nothing in greeting. [color=E77298]“You may.”[/color]Anastasia agreed and smiled up at him. It was nice to see him happy. She was at a loss for words for a few moments before she finally asked,him,[color=E77298]“...What would you like me to bring you from the treats table?”[/color] [color=85aabd]“Ah–”[/color] The watchdog lightly waved his hand with a grateful smile. [color=85aabd]“Princess, I couldn’t. Please, don’t trouble yourself.. I know how much you enjoy sweets. All I’d want is for you to enjoy them for today’s gathering.” [/color] [color=E77298] “Ah I am going to get you a treat. I insist! You’re lucky I already know what you like.”[/color] Anastasia told him with a giggle then moved off the line once he was done checking, her gaze lingering even as she had stepped away. Mina’s attention was now on Wulfric, who seemed to be conversing with Lady Violet now. She rolled her eyes playfully at Prince Wulfric's admonishment, though her mischievous smile remained intact. [color=#758173]"Oh, I'm just providing some much-needed entertainment for your esteemed guard, my dear prince,"[/color] she replied with a teasing tone. [color=#758173]"Before you appeared, the people before use were simply being downright rude. I simply chose a different approach. Is that so wrong?"[/color] She smirked slightly at the man, receiving a warning look from her uncle. Mina, however, was not one to cower before a prince nor would she hold her tongue. She was more keen on treating royalty just as she would treat anyone else around her. [color=#758173]"After all, what's a tea party without a little excitement?"[/color] When he mentioned Princess Sadie, Mina's eyes lit up with curiosity. [color=#758173]"Oh, is she now? Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint the princess. Shall I head over there now or did you wish to join me, Prince Wulfric? I do not mind waiting."[/color] She said before glancing at Violet, taking in her strange appearance. [color=#758173]“Lady Violet, you look quite lovely today.”[/color] She said in kind greeting to the woman.[/color]