[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VopBxRg.png[/img][/center] [hr] Olivia was just about to mention how much the other young woman’s hair reminded her of the acid spray used by the giant worms Oros had fought, as well as the hair on the smaller worm on the announcer’s head, when said announcer slid back onto the stage and began belting out instructions. It seemed the time had come for the first round of matches to begin… [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Oh gosh! The matches are starting already?!”[/color] Olivia gasped, having completely lost track of the time. [color=DodgerBlue][u]“It would appear so,”[/u][/color] Xolys noted. [color=DodgerBlue][u]“We should probably head to the stands now,”[/u][/color] he added, before turning his single glowing eye back towards the other two ladies at the table. [color=DodgerBlue][u]“Good luck to you both,”[/u][/color] the small robot bid them. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Y-Yes! Good luck!”[/color] Olivia hastened to add. Expressing a similar sentiment, Oros vanished into the crowd with a speed befitting her title, leaving her red-faced opponent sitting at the table. [color=DeepSkyBlue]"Um, it was nice meeting you!"[/color] Olivia told the green-haired young woman as she stuffed Xolys into her backpack and then set off for the stands. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Okay!”[/color] the bespectacled bluenette declared, her voice filled with determination. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Let’s go show ‘em what you can do, Xolys!”[/color]