[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Agility, Endurance [hr][hr][/center] Demi turned his attention towards Alexios as he asked his question. [color=6666ff]”Never been on a train before mate? Or is the party bus the only way you get around?”[/color] He asked with a bit of a chuckle. The laughter felt distant, like he’d wanted to joke around but the worry of where his boyfriend was still clung to every word he said. His eye’s never left the doorway however, even while he spoke to the god he kept his gaze fixated on that spot, watching as the passersby’s made their way across the platform going off towards their own little destinations. Their steps didn’t make waves, not in the world full of Demi-gods. They were trickles, leading lives of bliss while a car full of teenagers worried if their next breath would be their last as they sped their way towards a trap in an attempt to save the world while the rest of the humans simply sat at home or their job fully unaware of the circumstances surrounding their fate. Demi wondered for a moment if there was any equivalent that was happening in the real world. If their own choices were reflected across the mist to give off early signs so that the humans could venture off away from the danger. Either way Alexios and these thoughts were a welcome distraction as worry seeped its way inside his bones. Cassian followed behind Alexios as he navigated his way through the train car. [color=CC00CC]”It’s one type of train, yeah. There’s other kinds and even nicer ones for passengers too. I’ve always wanted to ride one of those, they serve food inside the dining cars, have great viewing windows to watch the scenery pass by, and some even still do murder mysteries inside of them. There’s not much partying on those, but they're still fun I hear.”[/color] He heard the doors close behind them as they made their way through the car. Figured it was best not to let a god simply wander around all by himself, that and he didn’t exactly want to find company with the others right now. Janelle still seemed heated over what had happened, Demi was too busy being a worry wart, and Kris was with Janelle. The whole while he moved across he didn't see Zeke or Nancy once. He began to wonder what the chances were that they would go on a different car, after all they should be able to travel freely between the cars so they could always check later. The doors shut, and suddenly the train felt so enclosed. Demi’s chest tightened, he hadn’t seen Zeke get on the train. He quickly got up and began to move through the car, wedging his way past anyone who would get in his way as he attempted to find the pair of missing demi-gods. Each step grew more and more frantic as he came closer to the realization that they were leaving without him and Nancy. Emotions tore him apart until nausea hit hard making him want to vomit. Yet he could hear Kristins voice loud and clear. He shot her a glare, almost as if she was taunting him, like she was glad those two were missing. [color=6666ff]”No! Zeke and Nancy aren’t here”[/color] Demi spat the words like venom at her before hearing Cassian’s voice in the background talking about gods knew what. His eyes narrowed at his target, the one who’d lied to him and told him that they’d be fine. That they’d be here. [color=6666ff]”You! You did this.”[/color] It didn’t matter that Zeke and Nancy had missed the train on their own accord. Demi didn’t know, and right now he needed someone to project his feelings of hurt on and Cassian happened to be the most likely target for assuring him earlier they’d be on board. Cassian heard the growl of Demetris voice coming from behind him, all he could do was turn and look before suddenly his world view had changed. He didn’t know what had gotten into Demetri, but whatever it was wasn’t good. Just as Cass turned to look towards the demigods way, he was met with a rapid strike to his jaw and an immediate sting of pain. He fell down towards the ground, one hand firmly grasping the spot that was just hit before failing to block another blow. Demetri punched him square in the face, causing his head to knock back and hit against the train floor. [color=cc00cc]”what the hell is your problem man? What did I do?”[/color] [color=6666ff]”You lied to me. You said he’d be alright, that he’d be here, that he was close by. He’s not here!”[/color] Demi’s words were full of anger and pain, tears welling up and dripping down his cheeks and onto Cassian’s face as he reared back another punch. Cassian flinched, unable to use his powers to help the situation for himself. As Demi saw him flinch, he felt guilt wring his heart. He felt like one of the many bullies he’d had to deal with in his own life. The punch stopped, as Demi stood up and made his way to a seat and began to cry.