[center][h2]A Slow Boat To Larceny, Part 2 - (Day 3, Evening)[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oumhMJ1.png[/img] [/center] Joint post by [@Xandrya], [@Bugman], and [@sail3695] Abby come over tha rail, heavy buckled sea boots clompin’ down on deck an’ a plasticky sword in ‘er hand. She wore tha same ‘boost-ee-yay’ as she had last night and a pair ‘o’ stripey tights. Din’ pick no hat nor doo rag. Instead, she let ‘er red hair fly all wild an’ went buck crazy on some face paint. After a good laugh, ‘twas Lorraine give ‘er her pirate name, ‘Tiger Lily.’ It was fun dressin’ like this, but far an’ away her fav’rite part was tha brown coat, jest like them as her ma an’ pa was wearin’ in tha captures on her wall. She had a mind tah keep it after tahnight. Her first job was butt simple. Once she conjured tha boats was tied tahgether proper, she had tah look tah them as was Antonia’s crew. “Y’all two!” she barked at deckhands what had name badges Cassie an’ Jake, “we’s goin’ below. No fussin’ now!” Fer effect, she nudged Jake’s back with tha tip ‘o’ her toy cutlass. “Y’ALL MAKE WAY!” Abby/Tiger Lily shouted at them rich folk. Figgered they weren’t no good at listenin’... “Miss,” one swell caught ‘er by tha arm, “are we supposed to give you our coin?” “Uh….sure,” she swung tha toy blade tah threaten tha stuffed shirt an’ his wife. “Hand it over,” she made tah sound all menacin’ as folk commenced tah passin’ ‘er heaps ‘o’ cashy money. “And them earrings!” she commanded. “I’ll have them pears, too!” This sorta struck her crazy, but it’s just like Lorraine said. She’s stuffin’ ‘er pockets when a nervous little fella come sidlin’ up, coin purse clutched in ‘is hand. “Ma’am,” he stammered from behind a smudged pair of glasses, “here’s all my coin.” Abby clapped onta tha money pouch. As she did, her eye caught a flash ‘o’ gold across the lil’ man’s belly. “That too!” she barked, tip of ‘er cutlas nudgin’ tha chain. “Fork it over.” His face went completely pale. “Please,” he stammered. “Please…” he hefted the pocketwatch into the light, before timidly placing it in the pirate girl’s outstretched palm. “This was my father’s…the last thing I have to remember him by.” “What in hell yah tink’s gon’ happen here tahnight?” Abby/Tiger Lilly growled, sound ‘o’ her voice seemin’ tah shrink the little man inta a ball of fear. She give ‘im a shove, pressin’ tha heirloom inta his chest. “Tuck that down inside yah drawers,” she whispered, “so’s none of my shipmates get ideas. [i]Dohn mah?[/i] She din’ wait fer no answer. They’s work needed doin’. But first…”Aiight y’all two,” Abby ordered them deckhands, “Git tah steppin’!” Imani, aka Joli Rouge, planned to woon some men (and ladies) and she dressed for the role. Wearing a white crop top blouse, black corset mini-dress, knee-length boots, and a red bandana, Imani effortlessly climbed over the railing and into view of the esteemed guests. "I'm here for yer booty...and yer rum!" she announced, raising her toy cutlass in the air and walking towards the cheering crowd with the intention of having a drink in hand. Some hotshot with piercing blue eyes placed one arm around her, walking side by side and matching her step. He guided her towards a suited fellow moving about the crowd with one arm resting on his lower back and the other hand holding a silver tray with a few remaining beverages. “WE BE TAKIN’ YER SHIP!” Lorraine roared as she lept atop the capstan. As with her counterparts, she wore the brown coat, its’ folds hanging loosely to reveal a black “Jolly Roger” emblazoned bikini and ankle boots. She swung her head, the tricorner hat and eye patch nodding toward each guest as her gaze swept the deck. The pirate captain slipped the coat over her right hip to reveal the scabbard from which she unsheathed her sword. “LADS AND LASSES!” she shouted, “YER GRACED TONIGHT BY THE CREW OF THE CAPTAIN KIDD, THE MOST FEARSOME PIRATE SHIP IN THESE WATERS! FEAST YER EYES, MATIES!” Her cutlass pointed out the decrepit wreck of a fishing trawler now tied alongside. As a low chuckle wafted through the crowd, she swept the blade in a threatening arc. “I’M YER NEW CAP’N!” Lorraine’s voice carried across the deck. “FLO’S THE NAME. CRIMSON FLO!” She grinned at the ripple of laughter. It was all working so far. Abby had returned from securing the two deckhands. Her shipmate from CHina Doll, Imani something, was vamping it up, the ring of men she’d drawn now in some competition of wallet size. [i]The parrot’s a great touch,[/i] she couldn’t help but snicker to herself. The other, Elias, didn’t even have to work at it. She decided the man could be fierce just reading a dictionary….though there was some intrigue in the eyes of the ladies who removed their jewelry as he passed by, a skull and crossbones festooned pillow case held out for their booty. “NOW SOME ‘O’ YE,” the captain shouted, “GOT THE RIGHT MIND, AND WE THANK YE FER YER GENEROSITY. BUT THERE’S ALWAYS ONE AMONG YE…ONE BE THINKIN’ HE HAS THE NERVE TO FACE ME AND MINE.” She waved the plastic weapon. “WHO BE THAT? WHO BE THE WOLF AMONG THIS FLOCK?” “HERE!” Reg shouted as he nudged Candidate Nate Howard through the crowd. “GOT HIM RIGHT HERE, CAP’N!” She could see the sour expression as the guest of honor was presented before the capstan that had become her stage. “I’LL HAVE YER NAME!” she demanded. “NATHAN HOWARD, SENATE CANDIDATE!” he replied, playing along for the crowd while a very real sense of murder danced in his eyes. “YOU BROWNCOAT SCUM HAVEE NO RIGHT!!” Lorraine dropped to one knee before him, the toy blad pressing his throat. “You’re early!” Howard whispered harshly. “I’m supposed to make a speech!” Captain Flo’s answering grin was rueful. “A SPEECH, YE SAY?” With a quick nod toward the towering Elias and Reg, she rose to her feet again. “A FINE NIGHT FOR A SPEECH IT IS! LONG’S YOU CAN DO YER SPEAKIN’...” she paused, her sword swinging toward the portside rail, “FROM THE PLANK!” [i]...to be continued…[/i]