Niccia gently reached out and took the pokeball from Arceus, she looked down to Eros with a small smile as Arceus gave his blessing. "Thank you, Father." She said gently, "He'll be safe with us." Arceus nodded gently at Niccia and Michaels' words before he glanced over towards Andy and Benny with a small smile. Arceus moved his hand, quickly summoning a small sized barrel in his hand before offering it to Andy. "A request from your little companion, it may not seem like a lot, but it's deeper than it looks." He winked to Benny as he waited for Andy to take it from him. Frosiien returned to Andy's side and looked at the little barrel keg and gave a laugh. "Mead?" She asked over to Benny as she moved to take the barrel for Andy instead. "One of Fathers special little long-end Kegs." She tilted it in her hands, "You're in for a good amount of drink, Powders."