[center][h2]Part Nine: …Again[/h2][/center] LegendBegins picks up their phone and answers, holding up a hand for silence. The conversation goes something like this: [color=lime]Legend: Hello?[/color] Caller: Why did you Thor my cow? [color=lime]Legend: I’m sorry, who is this?[/color] Caller: Your boss. [color=lime]Legend: Wait, [i]Mahz[/i]?![/color] Dark Cloud: Wait, you work for- At this point, Legend shushes Dark Cloud as the caller speaks again. Caller: Unban my cow, LegendBegins. That was my closest friend, *any volunteers?*. [color=lime]Legend: Um… is that something a moderator can do…?[/color] Caller: I dunno. Do it anyway. [color=lime]Legend: Could you come on and do it maybe…?[/color] Caller: Sorry, I have to remain offline for another year and a half. My appearances must rock the community, as usual, and they must revere me as a god king. And I have to keep my job. [color=lime]Legend: Okay… well, can you tell me how to do it…?[/color] Caller: Nope. Legend shoves the phone back in their pocket, the caller has hung up. They sigh and turn to where Dark Cloud had previously been standing. The cloud is no longer there. Instead, there is just a strange blueish vapor and a puddle of silvery liquid that looks strangely like... [center][h3]Liquid Mercury!?[/h3][/center] [i]Nope. Just kidding. That would be an extremely boring ending to this story![/i] The silvery liquid morphs into an envelope, colored manilla and probably made of vanilla even though how it would be was a fact that perplexed many brains. Upon this letter was a neatly scrawled message... [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/2WT6kjQ/MANILLA.png[/img][/center]