Hsien Lang had her arm up to the elbow inside the vending machine. She turned and stared with fish-eyed blankness at Joshua Chan, the kind of dead eyed uncomprehending stare that made it plain that there was not even the conceptual framework in place to explain why she shouldn't do this. She knew all about virtue, discourse, Posadism, and girls. This was... just, like, how you [i]got snacks[/i]. "Hungry," she explained. She tried to give it some more juice to reach the tofu sticks that were extremely clearly out of reach. The vending machine wobbled dangerously. "Hunting." "But you hear that, Shifu? You're too obvious. You really need to learn how to move stealthily," she stuck her tongue out as she strained, fingernails scratching at the plastic at the bottom of the forbidden tofu bar. "Like me! You can't just go miraculously perfectly transforming into whales all the time, you need to use your head. Be smart!" She tried to pull her arm back out of the machine to change her position. It was stuck in place. [Shifu, Hsien wants to shift your Superior up and your Savior down]