[table][row][cell][right] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/851798918349586452/1134378983211937802/basecamp3.png[/img] [/right][/cell] [cell][h3] [u] DINNER PARTY: PART 3[color=red]◢[/color][/u] [sub][b][code]Karaoke Stage,[/code][color=gray][s] Basecamp Spitsbergen[/s][/color][/b] [b][code]Evening,[/code][color=gray][s] April 15[/s][/color][/b] [sup][@Shu][@Shift][@Auz][@bitsnpieces] [@KaiserElectric][@Awesomoman64][/sup] [/sub][/h3] [/cell][/row][/table] [indent][indent] After sharing a few glasses, suggestive looks, and surprisingly pleasing banter with Viper, Playboy excused himself. The seed had been sown, and now he just needed to be patient for the eventual blossom. Besides, he desperately needed to use the restroom after all the beverages he’d consumed already. When he returned to the main room, everything was essentially as he’d left it, but Himbo was now on his own. [i]A perfect time to get the lowdown,[/i] Playboy thought, knowing his friend would have everyone clocked by this time. When he reached the human, Playboy had his hand covering his nose and mouth. [color=e0b0ff]“Walked through a minefield on the way here. Had to have been you. Have you no mercy?”[/color] Zenn could feel his heart sink into his stomach as Nadara spoke. Her advice was almost exactly the same as Kysar’s, and if that didn’t give him the confidence to talk to Sol or even fake it before, then maybe he just wasn’t ready no matter how much he wanted to be. Zenn let out a very sorrowful sigh and nodded his head. [color=0054a6]“Thanks, Nadara. I’ll let you get back to the party now…”[/color] Zenn took a few steps away, before he stopped and looked back over his shoulder. [color=0054a6]“You know. Kysar told me something very similar. I think you two would really get along if you actually sat down and talked one of these days. Just, maybe don’t do it in the mess hall. Your track record there isn’t great.”[/color] As he walked away from Nadara, he happened to catch the final moments of Himbo attempting to lay the moves on Sol. He watched as she very openly rejected him, only for him to walk away unphased and reconvene with his pal Playboy. At that moment, the quarian felt a flame ignite in him. It may have been fueled by alcohol, and maybe a little bit of jealousy, but mostly it was his team’s reactions. Kysar called them idiots. Sol was disgusted with them. Even Amina had to push them away. The only ones who seemed to enjoy them were Nadara and possibly the other drell. And they didn’t even seem to care! This wouldn’t do. If Zenn couldn’t find the courage to talk to Sol, then he would at least try and get these two to behave. Glancing around the room, he locked onto the glass of whiskey he had handed to Kysar, grabbed and chugged the rest, then slammed the glass down and marched over to Himbo and Playboy. [color=0054a6]“Hey. You two. Let’s chat.”[/color] Zenn called out to the two ‘smooth talkers’. His voice boomed a little louder than he intended, but he wanted to be sure he had their attention as he put an arm around each of them and pulled them into a sort of huddle. Once he had them, he lowered his voice and tried his best to not sound as aggressive. [color=0054a6]“This is my team’s first impression of you. You’re supposed to be fostering trust and confidence, yet you’re using it to try and shamelessly bed everything with a pulse. Is this what you want our takeaway to be? That you see us as nothing more than notches in your bunks? Because let me tell you; right now most of us would trust the volus keep a secret more than we would trust you two with any responsibility. So, how about you cool it with the lines, keep it in your pants, and try to actually get to know us a bit. Alright?”[/color] [i]Someone’s insecure.[/i] Playboy thought. [color=e0b0ff]“Sorry to hear that’s your opinion, friend. I’ve talked to only three people so far, including him,”[/color] Playboy cocked his head to Himbo,[color=e0b0ff] “and only one of whom is even on your team. Besides, I barely introduced myself to Amina before she darted off.”[/color] Playboy shrugged with an easy smile and held out his hand. [color=e0b0ff]“Start fresh?”[/color] He asked. [color=e0b0ff]“Nice to meet you, I’m Play—”[/color] He paused and chuckled. [color=e0b0ff]“Well this isn’t going to help my case at all,”[/color] he said sideways to Himbo before turning back to the Quarian. [color=e0b0ff]“I’m Playboy.”[/color] He was about to clap his hands and get into it with Playboy. Get the gossip on how things were going - and apologize for his, [i]flatulence[/i]. But instead, Himbo was met with an arm around him of Team 2's Quarian. Before he could even speak, Playboy had answered for himself. He gave a smirk, thinking to match energy with the Quarian, but he did wonder if that would just start a brawl. "Woah!" He began, clutching his chest as if he was wounded. "I'm hurt man... We're good alright?" He began, looking at Zenn with a softer expression, probably best not to fuel him up. "I'm only going to try it with Nadara, and to be honest man, however I feel about her she feels the same about me - I'm here for a good time, you know? I'm not deceiving her. She knows what I'm about already." Himbo looked over to her and chuckled, "she is something though," he sighed - wanting to go back to her now she was free again. "Me and my boy, well definitely me - I'm in the moment. Might be dead tomorrow, so tonight is for no regrets, you get me?" He turned to properly face the Quarian with a relaxed smile, one hand in the pocket of his jacket, the other extended. "But alright, you're right -- first impressions count a lot man. I'm Jonah, friends and colleagues call me Himbo." [color=e0b0ff]“We’re divulging real names, now?”[/color] Playboy asked in surprise as an aside. [color=e0b0ff]“That would’ve helped my case.”[/color] he mumbled. "Even I can't take Doctor-Fucking-Himbo seriously man," Himbo laughed in response. "That woman is [i]into you[/i] though!" He added, holding out a fist for Playboy to bump. Playboy looked down at the hand he still held out to the Quarian, and decided against removing it, instead lifting his other hand to fist bump Himbo. [color=e0b0ff]“You too! I saw those dance moves, you rascal.”[/color] [color=0054a6][i]Himbo and Playboy? Are they messing with me?[/i][/color] Zenn thought as he looked at them with a blank, unamused stare. They had initially attempted to smooth things over, only for them to quickly devolve into ‘bro’ mode. [i]Oh, Keelah, they’re serious…[/i] Well if he wanted this to go anywhere, he'd have to play nice. Reluctantly, Zenn took Playboy’s hand and shook it. [color=0054a6]“Shadow, but call me Zenn."[/color] He let go of Playboy’s hand and proceeded to fold his arms and shake his head. [color=0054a6]“Look. I’m just trying to give you two a heads up. You've been laying it on so thick that everyone in this room already has you figured out despite talking to less than half of them. The general opinion of you is low, with a few notable exceptions. If you want to change that, just dial it back a bit."[/color] Himbo turned his head back to face Zenn, running his hand through his beard thoughtfully as he considered in his mind the two options. Fuel. No fuel. Fuel. No fuel. He didn't [i]really[/i] want to be told what to do, he hadn't done anything wrong. Fuel. But it [i]was[/i] a new team, he could dial it back. No fuel. But they'd done nothing wrong. Fuel. "To be honest, Zenn, I think Nadara wants me to dial it up with her. Like I said, here for a good time. Me and her know what we want." He shrugged, glancing back over to the Asari, "I haven't talked to anybody else man." [color=0054a6]“That’s kinda my point, Jonah.”[/color] Zenn replied with a shrug. [color=0054a6]“How many people besides Nadara have even let you talk to them? How many have even approached you? You haven’t talked to anyone else because they don’t want to talk to you.”[/color] Himbo rolled his eyes, knowing he wasn't going to change Zenn's mind anytime soon. So he chose to smile, letting the comment slide like water off a duck's back. "You got my ticket," he said, throwing his hands up once more in defeat. "I [i]am[/i], definitely, an arsehole. But you're still wrong about me - I ain't judging you man, you still seem cool enough to me, just go enjoy yourself!" he added. "If you don't mind gents..." With that, he began moving away from the group, shuffling skillfully in time with the music back towards Nadara, with a drink in one hand, he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with the other. Playboy watched the exchange between the two as one would a tennis match, his head bouncing back and forth from one volley to the other. Zenn seemed too uptight about this, they were at a dinner party after all, what was the harm in having some fun? [color=e0b0ff]“We really mean no harm,”[/color] he said finally as Himbo shuffled off. [color=e0b0ff]“Why not give us the benefit of the doubt and enjoy the night?” He tilted his head toward the karaoke set up. [color=e0b0ff]“Fancy a duet?”[/color] Playboy figured if Zenn was able to let loose a bit, he might let this all go. The man needed some stress relief, and since he was so opposed to the kind Himbo and Playboy enjoyed receiving from women, belting out some tunes had to be the next best thing. [color=e0b0ff]“You seem like you’d have a great set of pipes behind that suit, friend!”[/color] As Himbo dismissed himself from the conversation to go dance with Nadara, Zenn thought of a quip to say, but Playboy jumped in before he could deliver it. While he still wasn’t willing to alter his behavior at all, he did offer an unusual olive branch to end the discussion. A duet… Under normal circumstances, Zenn would have declined, but tonight had so far been a bust for him. He needed something to raise his spirits, and maybe it was the whiskey talking, but karaoke sounded pretty fun right now. Zenn simply chuckled before throwing his arms up. [color=0054a6]“Sure. Why not? Let’s hit the stage!”[/color] Playboy smiled widely, [color=e0b0ff]“That’s the spirit, Zenn!”[/color] He slapped the Quarian on the back and they walked to the stage, where Playboy ensured the mic was on. [color=e0b0ff]“Ladies and gentlemen,”[/color] he said smoothly. “We’re about to get this party started.”[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] Zenn’s parting words to Nadara had given her pause. It was unexpected to discover she and Kysar, of all people, had offered similar advice. What did he know of the delicate nature of affection? But she supposed he could surprise her again, he did show up tonight in quite the getup and she had not in the least been prepared to witness [i]that[/i]. Curious about where he’d gone off to, Nadara glanced around the room. She was unable to find him, but did see Zenn discussing with Jonah and the male Drell. From his body language she could tell he wasn’t pleased. [color=82ca9d][i]Is he making his case for me?[/i][/color] She wondered, noticing the back and forth between him and Jonah with interest. Just when she thought it would come to blows through, Jonah smoothed away from the other two, and began heading her way. [color=82ca9d][i]Seems the better of the two has won.[/i][/color] As she and Jonah locked eyes, Nadara began swaying her way toward him, moving in tune to the music, only to stop part way with an announcement from the Drell over the microphone. [color=82ca9d][i]Oh no,[/i][/color] she lamented to herself. [color=82ca9d][i]Anything but amateur singing.[/i][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] [color=007236]"Mmmph...stage? Holy shit, are we doing karaoke?"[/color] Stopping only to wipe off the meat juice that slipped down her jaw when she got up too fast, Zenobia wolfed down the last of the drumstick she was eating and got to her feet. She was NOT going to miss that; singing off-key in front of everyone was a great ice breaker, and frankly she felt that she had been skimping on the meet and greet for Team 3 since she was so hungry. Was it not her duty to make the newcomers feel welcome and accommodate them as proper members of the SRN, with no ulterior motives whatsoever? Well maybe she should at least start with the surly helmet sitting off in the corner fileting a kebab. [color=007236]"Heyo, welcome to the team,"[/color] Zenobia declared brightly, jumping backwards into a chair across from the ornery quarian focusing on her meal. [color=007236]"You're a...Acid, right?"[/color] Acid's green eyes behind her helmet narrowed, her temples still throbbing from the last dredges of withdrawal. Going cold turkey had of course done little to improve the criminal quarian's mood over this whole arrangement, but admittedly, this turian looked roguish enough that she didn't immediately want to stab her in the eye. [color=aaff00]"Yeah...?"[/color] she said slowly. Zenobia hesitated a bit before deciding, as usual, to do something stupid. [color=007236]"Heard you were some criminal, right? Real big shot in the Blood Pack? I was an Eclipse leader around the same time.”[/color] [color=aaff00]"Worked with them, wasn't one of them,"[/color] Acid said grumpily. [color=007236]"Yeah, no shit. You're not the type."[/color] Acid froze, looking up coldly at the turian to analyze her. The scar, the physicality, the hint of biotic energy clinging to her bare knuckles, that smarmy grin. This bitch was testing her, no doubt about it. [color=aaff00]"You think that I'm soft, Blue?"[/color] [color=007236]"Nah, I've heard enough of you to know better. Probably why the bosses warned me to keep an eye on you, and to put you down if needed."[/color] The quarian chuckled darkly. [color=aaff00]"I'm really that expendable?"[/color] [color=007236]"Or I am."[/color] Zenobia smirked. [i]The two shared an incredibly long stare, before they both relaxed, coming to an unspoken understanding.[/i] [color=007236]"I think you should stop skulking around and get to know your team, by the way,"[/color] Zenobia said, getting to her feet. [color=007236]"I can tell you don't want to be here, but if you don't build some semblance of trust you're only going to get out of SRN in a plastic box."[/color] And with a rough pat on the shoulder, Lunatic was gone, off to flirt with one of the other new team members. Shrugging, Acid got unsteadily to her feet, grabbed a drink and silently crept towards what looked like the safest option to start a conversation with. [color=aaff00]"Well now,"[/color] she announced, walking up behind Zenn. [color=aaff00]"Seems we're a bit far from home, aren't we?"[/color] Zenn was about to follow Playboy to the stage, when he heard the voice of a fellow quarian from behind. Zenn delayed his advancement to the stage for a moment and turned to greet the team 3 sentinel. [color=0054a6]"Tell me about it."[/color] He chuckled at Acid's comment. [color=0054a6]"First time in generations our people actually have a home, and we managed to get stuck light years away from it. I guess we still have to say Keelah Se'lai, right?"[/color] Zenn glanced over his shoulder and saw that the stage had already been set. It was time for him to take his place. [color=0054a6]"Uh, sorry, looks like I’m up so I have to run. Maybe we'll get to chat more later? My name is Zenn, by the way."[/color] He extended his hand out towards the other quarian [color=0054a6]"Zenn'Valin vas Konesh. But my callsign is Shadow."[/color] [color=aaff00]"Julu'Laagar nar Seeleya,"[/color] she recited tersely, shaking his hand in an attempt to be friendly. [color=aaff00]"Callsign's Acid. And yeah, we should definitely talk later."[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] With Cannonball off his back and pinging around the room, Tank had made several attempts to reach other members of team 2 to introduce himself. Unfortunately for the Elcor, most had zipped around the room (some even out the door) before he could reach them. Lucky for Tank, however, there was one member of team 2 who had been glued to the wall for some time. Absent-mindedly staring into space. Slowly, the Elcor approached from the side, doing his best not to startle her. [color=89cff0]“Rushed introduction: Human female… of Team 2… my name is… Tank… it has… been… a pleasure… to meet… your team…what… is… your name?”[/color] Rolling her shoulder back, and tilting her head until her neck cracked in the way that was satisfying and brought relief, Solveig turned her head to the side to see that she had been snuck up on. Without saying a word, she patiently let him make his charming introduction. Sol did not feel any sense of urgency or rush to respond, and finally she answered back in a mirrored, but genuine, cadence. [color=662d91] "It's a pleasure... To be meeting you, Tank. Yes, I am of Team 2. Wraith, but please call me Solveig,"[/color] she extended a hand for him to shake. Tank froze in horror, staring at the human female's hand. Pheromones poured from him as he panicked, only thankful that humans could not detect such things. This action was not covered by the Elder's, they had only stressed the fact that he must announce his feelings verbatim with every sentence so as not to cause any diplomatic incidents or cause others undue stress. [color=89cff0]"Embarrassingly confused: I do... apologise. hum-Solvieg..."[/color] Gods above, he had almost called her human as well. The poor Elcor could feel his knee's almost buckle out of shame. Taking a big gulp, he continued. [color=89cff0]"I am... unfamiliar... with this... human gesture... would you... please... educate me?"[/color] [color=662d91]"No offence taken here,"[/color] Solveig said slowly, demonstrating the gesture to Tank, talking out each part, [color=662d91] "extend arm... Open hand... touch hands... close hands... shake."[/color] She brought her hand back to her side, before sticking it out again for him. [color=662d91]"If you want... Practice. But... I don't like the gesture so much, anyway... Just an... orbilterry..."[/color] [i]that didn't sound right.[/i] [color=662d91]"Formality.”[/color] Tank looked at the woman’s arm, studying it intently. Such soft squishy creatures they were, how could you close hands and not break such a thing? Perhaps he could shake with a Krogan or maybe… [color=89cff0]“Polite Request: Solveig… would it be… possible… to shake… your mechanical… arm?”[/color] Ordinarily, Solveig might have responded with a scowl, but Tank had made his intent very clear. A polite request. If only everyone communicated like that, she thought. It would be so much easier to gauge their intent instead of deciphering meaning from words that strangers tended to just hurtle out at a rapid pace, all the while stringing together your own response. [color=662d91] "Of course."[/color] [i]A very pleasant individual[/i] she thought, sticking out her arm as per his polite request. [color=89cff0][i]Extend arm.[/i][/color] Tank’s mammoth of a hand, raised up from the ground, carefully moving towards Sol’s. [color=89cff0][i]Open hand.[/i][/color] The Elcor’s palm was the size of a watermelon, daunting the woman’s as he steadily approached. [color=89cff0][i]Touch hands.[/i][/color] Despite the warm atmosphere around them, the metal was cool to touch. [color=89cff0][i]Close hands.[/i][/color] Relief flooded Tank as he could feel Sol’s powerful bionics work against the strength of his touch, equaling each other out. [color=89cff0][i]Shake.[/i][/color] He was doing it! He was really doing it! What elation he felt. [color=89cff0]“Ecstatic happiness: Solveig… this interaction… has made… my night… thank you… friend.”[/color] Tank was as strong as his name and size suggested, even with the bionics. His reaction surprised her, and she couldn't help it. Her lips curled upwards into a small smile, and a giggle that she almost forgot existed briefly escaped. [color=662d91]"Genuine joy. Tank, my pleasure."[/color] Not wanting to ruin a perfectly fine moment, she set off from Tank in the direction of Kysar who had just sat down by the fire. [color=662d91]"Venat- I mean, Kysar,"[/color] she said. Her bionic hand in the pocket of her dress, the other holding a full glass of vodka. [color=662d91] "If you have a moment?"[/color] Kysar's head whipped around, looking round the room. Sure, it wasn't the company he was expecting but Sol was cool and he was pretty happy to see the bottle of vodka. [color=800000]"Ah Awks, take a seat and pass me a drink. Spirits, it's been a long evening already."[/color] [color=662d91]"Amina is okay? I was talking to her..."[/color] She began, taking a seat, passing the vodka to Kysar. [color=662d91] "You're okay?"[/color] she added as a follow up. The Turian grabbed the bottle, taking a rather long swig, hoping Sol wouldn't mind too much. Finishing with a refreshing 'aah', Kysar wiped his mouth and handed the bottle back to the woman. [color=800000]"Yeah, I think she's ok. Or she will be. I wouldn't worry about her if that's what you're asking."[/color] Leaning back into the soda, Kysar's head flopped onto the top of the backrest. [color=800000]"Me? I'm ok, I've done enough talking tonight to last me the rest of my life."[/color] He sighed loudly, signing it off with a small chuckle. Turning to Sol the Turian raised an eyebrow. [color=800000]"Why? Everything okay with you?"[/color] She scoffed at that - a loaded question. Sitting with it for a moment, Sol brought her glass to her lips - staring off into the middle distance quietly. [color=662d91] "Ok as I could be,"[/color] she said finally, snapping back out of whatever thought had drawn her attention to look back at him. [color=662d91] "Wanted to actually say something to you."[/color] She took a sip first, [color=662d91] "yesterday. In the hospital. Thank you for that."[/color] Kysar chuckled softly, waving it off. [color=800000]"Don't mention it."[/color] The Turian sat up, turning to face Sol. [color=800000]"It's okay, things are okay."[/color] He smiled at the woman, taking a moment to think if he should pat her on the shoulder or not. Deciding against it, he leant back into the couch. [color=800000]"But seriously, don't mention it. I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm just handing them out."[/color] He laughed, a half joke if there ever was one. [color=662d91] "And don't go thinking you'll get away with it again,"[/color] Sol retorted, eyeing him quickly, only half joking too. The Turian threw his hands up. [color=800000]"Don't blame me, it was Zenn's idea!"[/color] Kysar laughed heartily, slapping himself on the knee before recomposing. [color=800000]"Ahh. He's an oddball isn't he, Zenn that is. What do you think of him?"[/color] [color=662d91] "Oddball?"[/color] Sol asked, lowering her head and taking a quick glance at Kysar. [color=662d91] "I think he's... fine,"[/color] she continued with a shrug, casting another sidelong glance at him before looking away to take a longer sip from her glass. [color=800000]"Yeah, you're both kind of similar like that. Awkward, shy, that kind of stuff."[/color] Kysar paused, partly to look Sol over but partly to gesture for the bottle. [i]Hog.[/i] [color=800000]"But you're also different. He likes to talk and is open with his feelings n'all that. Where as you..."[/color] The Turian looked his friend up and down, giving her a cheeky grin. [color=800000]"Well, you're different. I think you guys would work well together."[/color] Sol passed the bottle back to him with her usual raised brow. [color=662d91] "We do work well together, the three of us worked very well together yesterday. You were there."[/color] Kysar smiled, slyly, taking the bottle and following it up with a decent swig. [color=800000]"Oh, I'm not talking about that kind of work together Awks. I think you guys would make a good couple, y'know. [i]Romantic[/i] couple."[/color] The Turian smiled a cheesy grin, promptly handing back the bottle. She was going to need it. A smile inadvertently crept upon Sol's lips at the thought until it immediately dropped when she saw Kysar's. [color=662d91]"I-I-- You, keep that. Thoughts. Thinking... that's your thoughts from your... brain not mine and [i]not[/i] from me."[/color] She stammered out, feeling her cheeks heat up. The smile snuck back, and she had to focus to squash it yet again. A glass was no good. She did need the bottle. After a long swig, she turned to look at her Turian [i]frien[/i] with a moderately serious expression, tinged with red cheeks. [color=662d91] "Tell anyone about this,"[/color] she started, leaning in close to him, [color=662d91] "I will find 1000 ways to torture you."[/color] An array of feelings- namely embarrassment, washed over her - but there was also an unusual flicker of amusement at the exchange. Still, she wanted to escape it and so she removed herself very quickly from the chair, leaving the bottle with Kysar. Kysar sunk back into the couch for a final time, quite pleased with himself. Stretching out his arms he used his hands to cradle the back of his head. [color=800000]"Alright Sol, I'll keep your secret."[/color] The Turian whispered to himself. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] [color=ff0000]"KARAOKE? HELL YEAH! THIS PARTY IS ABOUT TO START ROCKIIIIING!"[/color] Cannonball yelled out once again strumming an air guitar as they spoke. They then proceeded to do a front flip off of Tank and sprinted as fast as their little legs could take them to the front row of the stage. Zenn gave Acid a nod, then quickly excused himself to take his place on the stage. Despite everything that had led him there, he was completely calm. All the nerves, all the reservations, they were just gone. Maybe he had finally buried his insecurities, or maybe he just didn't care anymore. Whatever the case, he found himself relaxed and ready when he took hold of the mic. After quickly setting up both mics at center stage, Zenn and Playboy found a book listing all the song options they had to choose from. His eyes sparkled in delight as they fell on one option and he pointed with his finger. [color=e0b0ff]“Can never go wrong with this,”[/color] he said. [color=e0b0ff]“You know it?”[/color] Playboy pointed out a specific song on the list, to which Zenn snickered. [color=0054a6]"Oh please. I'm pretty sure even the protheans knew this one. Kick it, Playboy!"[/color] Once the play button was pressed, Zenn closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let the lyrics come out as his voice and the drell's harmonized together. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landside, No escape from reality. Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see[/i][/color]🎵[/center] Whatever was possessing him to do this in the first place had completely taken over at this point, as Zenn took the lead with Playboy providing the backing vocals. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low, Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me. To me…[/i][/color]🎵[/center] It had been many years since Playboy sang beside someone as skilled as Zenn was vocally. In fact, he was perhaps the most talented person Playboy had ever heard. [i]What’s he doing working for the SRN?[/i] He thought incredulously. The lyrics poured from the Quarian like smooth, syrupy honey coating you in its intoxicatingly sweet embrace. It was all Playboy could do to harmonize and provide the backup vocals, in shock as he was from the unexpected brilliance of his duet partner. After the first few lines however, he got into the zone, allowing the music to take control as he and Zenn took turns as the lead, throwing it to one another as if they had sung this song together a dozen times. [center]🎶[color=e0b0ff][i]Mamaaa, Just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he’s dead Mamaaa, Life had just begun, But now I’ve gone and thrown it all awayyyy…[/i][/color]🎶[/center] They were such timeless lyrics, transcending species and even galaxies. Anyone who had spent time in battle would relate to the song, and even those who hadn’t loved to sing along. Too caught up in the vocals and accompanying gestures, Playboy didn’t even glance at the crowd, instead only responding and reacting to the man beside him. Playboy returned to the background for the next bit, placing his arm around Zenn’s shoulders as they both swayed from side to side. [center]🎶[color=e0b0ff][i]Mama, (oooh) Didn’t mean to make you cry, If I’m not back again this time tomorrow, Carry on, (carry on), as if nothing really matters…[/i][/color]🎶[/center] The sound coming out of Zenn was as much of a surprise to him as it was to anyone else. This kind of thing was something he had always avoided, especially in public. With Playboy it made sense. He no doubt had serenaded his fair share of dates or audiences. But with Zenn? At most he'd sing to himself when he was alone, but the power and control he had over his vocal cords gave the illusion that he had been performing for years. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all The time…[/i][/color]🎵[/center] Accompanied by and even backing Playboy’s own exquisite singing voice as the two switched parts almost naturally, and the act quickly turned from an amateur performance to a full display of talent. Maybe if things didn't work out as soldiers and mercenaries, they could fall back on a musical career! Though that could just be the liquor talking… [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.[/i][/color]🎵[/center] By that point, Zenn had followed Playboy’s lead and was completely lost in the song. Everything beyond the stage ceased to exist. No crowd, no party, no distractions. In that moment there was only the stage and the music. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Mama, oooh I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.[/i][/color]🎵[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] Sol stood to the back of the room, a fresh drink in hand when the karaoke started. To her surprise, it was Zenn and one of the Team 3 members. To even greater surprise, they were both [i]good.[/i] She tilted her head, her gaze falling on Zenn, as he sang through the lyrics. There was a sensation through her body that seemed to make her feel lighter and her eyes turned hazy as she simply watched and listened from her own darkened corner. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] At the front of the stage, Himbo reappeared behind Nadara, wrapping his big arms around her waist to sway her in time to the music. Proud of his friend for turning a sour situation good. [color=800000]“No fucking way.”[/color] Kysar had practically leapt off the couch as he heard Zenn’s tuned voice break out. Making his way over, the Turian stood at the back of the crowd. Saddling up beside him, Tank looked at Kysar nervously out of the corner of his eye. [color=89cff0]“Tank!”[/color] He blurted out. Kysar nearly jumped, thinking the great beast had sneezed or something. [color=800000]“Are you ok?”[/color] Tank was sweating bullets, he was breaking every protocol he’d been taught by the Elders. But he did so for good reason. [color=89cff0]“My name… Tank.”[/color] The Turian couldn’t help but smile. [color=800000]“Kysar.”[/color] [color=89cff0]“Grateful relief: thank-“[/color] The Turian held up a finger. [color=800000]“Let’s not ruin this, ok?”[/color] The Elcor nodded, over the moon at another successful interaction. [i]More friends.[/i] Nadara turned her head casually, and when she realized it was Himbo who had wrapped his arms around her, she smiled, sinking into his embrace. [color=82ca9d]“Thought you’d never find your way back here,”[/color] she whispered into his ear. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] As the song went into its second guitar solo, Playboy turned to Zenn with wide eyes and an even wider smile. He pulled the man’s hand and gripped it tightly while using the other to slap him on the shoulder, laughing all the while. He hadn’t expected it to go this well, but was fully enjoying the moment as well as the instant camaraderie he felt with the Team 2 member. As the next section began, both men jumped back to their mics, and they evenly split the lines. [center][i]🎶[color=e0b0ff]I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the Fandango[/color]🎶 🎵[color=0054a6]Thunderbolts and lightning, Very, very frightening me Galileo, Galileo Galileo, Galileo, Galileo, Figaroooo[/color]🎵[/i][/center] Playboy and Zenn shared eye contact before seamlessly finalizing this section of the song and delving into the next, perfectly setting up the lines for each other. [center]🎶[color=e0b0ff][i]Magnificooooooooo… I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me He’s just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life for his monstrosity[/i][/color]🎶[/center] Zenn reciprocated Playboy’s gesture. If his face wasn't obscured by a mask, Playboy would have seen him mouth [color=0054a6]"Thank you."[/color] This was the first time in possibly a decade Zenn was able to really let loose and enjoy himself. He still had his reservations about the drell and his pal's promiscuous behavior, but Zenn had to admit, he knew how to have fun. For the next few verses, they each took a part and stuck with it going back and forth. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Easy come, easy go, will you let me go Bismillah! No, we will not let you go (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let me go) Will not let you go (Let me go)(Never) Never let you go (Let me go) (Never) let you go (Let me go) No, no, no, no, no, no, no Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, let me go Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, For meee…[/i][/color]🎵[/center] As the guitars started shredding, Zenn was fully immersed. He raised his fist in the air as his whole body rocked back and forth to the beat. Cannonball matched his energy from the crowd and the two rocked out in sync until Zenn grabbed the mic from its stand and did a knee slide to the edge of the stage as he sang the next part with all his heart. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye So you think you can love me and leave me to die Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby, Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here…[/i][/color]🎵[/center] Jumping back to his feet, Zenn continued to rock out hoping to hype up more of the crowd. Aside from Cannonball who needed no such help. As the guitar solos lowered in tempo and the song began to come to an end, Zenn stepped back to Playboy and once again wrapped his arm around the drell's shoulder as they both sang the final lyrics to close out their set. [center]🎵[color=0054a6][i]Nothing really matters, Anyone can see, Nothing really matters, Nothing really matters to me Any way the wind blows…[/i][/color]🎵[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w0XWwEk.png[/img][/center] Now leaning against the wall, one foot against it, the other on the floor, Sol held her glass in the bionic hand. She was hiding from the riotous party that was occurring at the stage. Cannonball, in particular, was loving every moment. Solveig brought the glass to her lips, her storm-like gaze fixed on Zenn, and all that he was doing on stage. She began drinking, slow sips of the water in the glass, either unable or unwilling to break her gaze. By the time they finished, her drink was gone, and only a few dregs of ice water remained. As she lowered it, she became aware of her heart pounding in her chest and that she was squeezing the glass. [i]Crack![/i] Immediately it shattered in the grip of her hand - spraying glass around her and breaking whatever spell had been cast - several of the shards ended up wedged in the joints of her metal fingers. [color=662d91][i]“Skita.”[/i][/color] she said aloud, then realizing her face felt hot too. Whatever had just possessed her had left as soon as it had arrived, and embarrassment remained. She knelt to the floor to start wiping up her mess, and to pluck at her fingers that were now crunching up the stuck glass into dust. [/indent][/indent]