[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k5wD2tM.png[/img][hr][hr][color=gold]◈[/color] Day 1 [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Time:[/color] Night [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Weather:[/color] Moderate Rain [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Location:[/color] Main Ballroom [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Participants:[/color] Anastasia Arslan [@Ti] [hr][hr][/center] It seemed that being an Illuminaire had its downsides, as Ana found herself constantly occupied with various responsibilities. It was as if there was another job that needed doing every time she thought she could take a break. Her focus kept getting distracted by the smallest imperfections as other students playfully interacted with the decorations, occasionally putting them out of place. She began to fixate on making sure everything was perfect, ensuring that every detail was in its right place. Throughout the evening, Ana attended to the food, making sure the banquet was well-stocked and inviting. She took it upon herself to personally greet the guests, ensuring that teachers and special guests felt welcomed and appreciated. This naturally extended to making sure everyone was refreshed and had everything they needed. As the night progressed, Ana realized she hadn't stopped working since she arrived at the ball, and the mounting tasks seemed to overwhelm her at times, making her feel a bit scattered. Finally, she decided to take a moment for herself and enjoy a cool drink. She leaned against a nearby pillar, looking out towards the dance floor, where some of the other students were joyfully dancing and laughing. She allowed herself to take a breath and relax for a moment, simply enjoying the view of others having fun and cherishing the magic of the evening. Recalling fond memories of past balls, Ana smiled at the thought of her younger self trying to tear up the dance floor with her fiery dancing style. This year, it seemed like the others would have to steal the limelight, especially if Wolfgang tried to hog it all for himself. Despite feeling a bit overwhelmed, her efforts were helping to make the ball a truly enchanting experience for everyone. [hr][hr]