[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220419/d955e440c95ac6f731dc5e649ad359eb.png[/img][/center][hr]Lilann tensed when Ceolfric announced himself, ready to…well, do whatever she might be able to with just a rock. For as long as she lived she’d regret throwing her sword at the wretched creature. Between being caught out by the necromancer’s wolves, and now [i]this[/i], she was sorely lacking any meaningful measure of defense. More importantly, it made her look unprofessional. When Eila hissed to her she nearly jumped despite herself. Soft-footed for a bookworm, or maybe Lilann was just too focused-in. “[color=skyblue]Yes,[/color]” she answered just as quietly. “[color=skyblue]But unless you’d like me to stand in front of her and shield her [i]knees[/i] from harm, I believe I best serve that priority by preempting trouble. Just…not as forwardly as our acquaintance.[/color]” Eila was right, it [i]was[/i] like Ceolfric wanted to fight. She suspected he carried that likeness with him into most aspects of his life. And while that had been frustrating at more or less every juncture so far, right now she was more than happy to let him just be his merry self. Ermes joined him as well, pulling himself from the shadows like a black cat in the night. The two of them interrogated what appeared to be a drunken man and his exhausted handler, or at least a convincing enough cover of them. There wouldn’t be any guesswork though. Ceolfric lowered his sword, but when he demanded answers from the more vertical of the two, Lilann knew he’d answer as readily as if he’d had the blade to his throat. [right][sub][@Hero][/sub][/right]