[H2][color=#9cb6c3][right]Solomon Sparrow[/right][/color][/H2] [right][b][color=#9cb6c3]Location: [/color][/b] Rascade, Kindeance [/right] [hr] Solomon slowly closed his eyes with a very slight nod when Cedar expressed interest and gratitude to Solomon’s offer. He pulled his right hand out from under his chin, and turned it up right. His mask waved as Solomon’s lips opened and closed underneath, though any words he might have spoken couldn’t’ be heard. “Now, if I remember correctly, Caitlyn Stritzel’s residence should be…” Solomon spoke sofetly to himself. He quickly turned his upright hand over again before resting it back down on the table. Solomon had given his order to be carried out. Yet, even the most observant person wouldn’t have seen anything. Traveling exclusively through the shadows cast by the lights of the venue, the undead shadow’s departure would be entirely unnoticed. Even among the guests, the staff wandering the halls of the castle, even the townsfolk walking the streets of the city. “It will be some time before we have an answer.” said Solomon, “Even for them, nothing is instant. I suggest you take your time to relax. It won’t do you much good worrying about before we have anything concrete. Now, I think I will partake in the banquet. The meal you selected looks quite delicious. I might try some for myself.” Solomon stood from his place at the table for the first time since arriving. He left Cedar to his own devices now. As he approached the table, Solomon kept his gaze at the other guests. There was something about familiar about Stritzel that didn’t sit right. It’s one of the reasons Solomon offered his shadow for Cedar. There was also the Delvings. Their involvement was far from over. No one goes through the lengths they have to give up now. Still, Solomon gave some hope towards Silas. And then there was the York family. Appearing twice so frequently seemed suspicious. There were many reasons Solomon was not a fan of nobility, but their tendency towards the inhumane was ever growing.