[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/626e6295-e0f1-4bb3-a2fc-2a80907e597a.png [/img][/center] [color=5486ae]Time:[/color] Late Morning [color=5486ae]Location:[/color] Sorian Beach [color=5486ae]Interactions:[/color] Charlotte [@princess], Sjan-dehk [@Apex Sunburn], THE Roman [@ReusableSword] [color=5486ae]Mentions: Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy], Ruby [@SausagePat], Kazumin [@samreaper], Ariella [@Tpartywithzombi][/color][hr] [color=5486ae]"Oh don't worry, we get compared to gods all the time."[/color] John burst out in a chuckle as soon as he heard Charlotte's praise. [color=5486ae]"You know, every time we saved someone's life, they wipe the sweat off their and their relative's foreheads and bowed their head thanking god for saving them. I am very honored to be so revered."[/color] The casualness accompanied the snark, but it was more joking than snorting at Charlotte. If that wasn't clear enough... [color=5486ae]"For serious though, thank you. Our work is sometimes thankless, so I am glad to know there's someone out there who appreciate what we do."[/color] From his experience, if the patients was not aware of his...more prestigious status, they tended to be more thankful. Jealously and spite are still pretty widespread, even in more humble and progressive societies. From then on, quite a few more people began to show up. The first being this handsome gentleman with an...intriguing attire. He had never seen this outfit before, not to mention the abnormally large hat, bigger than the ladies hats that he had seen. But it went off well with one another in an exotic way, so it's much less likely some artist and designer having a stroke of wildness, but rather this is a foreigner from neither Alidasht or any of the smaller colonies from the three kingdoms. If the weird phrasing hadn't given it away. [color=5486ae]"Don't sweat it."[/color] John raised a hand in response. [color=5486ae]"How may I help you sir?"[/color] The second being Roman, whose greetings, like usual, was short but respectful. John returned the gesture with his own, similar in intensity, similar in regard. Seeing how Charlotte was interested in getting herself a drink, John decided to go back to the food stalls, but not before checking with the two (and maybe three) in the group. [color=5486ae]"I can get you one then."[/color] He said to Charlotte. [color=5486ae]"Which flavours would you like? They can mix and match, so the fruits of preference would be fine."[/color] Turning over to Roman and the gentleman from afar. [color=5486ae]"You can let me know too in case you want a drink. It's really good on a hot summer day, I will tell you that."[/color] [i]((Can assume that John gets back after a few minutes. Don't need to wait for another round))[/i]