The insipidly sweet couple glided back and forth, bowed, and bent with the ebb and flow of the music. "[color=f7941d]Look Adela, It looks like Gepard has found young miss Kirsten Delving over there in the corner. A fine catch, don't you think?[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Are you sure that's wise, Thomas? Given.. Recent events?[/color]" "[color=f7941d]I've heard she was very brave in helping those poor people at Fanghorn, dearest-- and besides, Delving is an old and powerful family-- Well connected and wealthy. He's at least picking the right kind of person for the dance.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]I suppose darl--- Is that our Linceleste, heading for-- Oh gawd no...[/color]" "[color=f7941d]What now my love? Oh--- OH.... I see..[/color]" It was at that moment, that they had spotted Linceleste heading for Cedar and Solomon's table. "[color=f7941d]Maybe she is going to ask that handsome doctor to dance? She IS an ardent student in the alchemical arts darling, don't discount her too...[/color]" Thomas York trailed off, as the pair watched the bearman get up from the table, and head to the other drink table, causing Linceleste to stop in her approach, watch him with a frustrated expression, huff, then wander off to find another dance partner. "[color=00aeef]Good heavens![/color]" breathed Adela York. "[color=f7941d]Thank the maker indeed, darling-- that fellow chose the singularly most appropriate time to go find some refreshment. We shall have to have a word with our daughter about her curiosity this evening.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]Absolutely..[/color]"