[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (87/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] With Rubick having helped her deal with and collect more poes, Sectonia found that looking through these ruins for the additional 10 poes was going to be quite a pain, especially if the rest of the group would be done doing their explorations. All for a treasure that may or may not be great? Well, there was a way to speed this up. [color=92278f]"More eyes on the ground would find these poes faster."[/color] Sectonia said, summoning a whole horde of antillion and giving them instructions. They would look about the city, and if they found a hovering blue lantern to report back to her so that she could deal with the poe. She would command the antillions to handle the poes themselves, but she figured this would be easier. And with those orders given, the Antillions scattered about the ruins. [color=92278f]"And now we wait."[/color] Sectonia said as she watched her antillions fan out through the ruins. While some got trapped by the other spider creatures inhabiting the ruins, others soon returned having found a poe. Much like the royal she was, Sectonia delegated. She would follow one antillion and clear out a poe, while leaving the other to Rubick. The meeting spot would be in front of Jovani's house when they had claimed the poe they were looking for. Having been around the ruins and seen most of the area's tricks, Sectonia didn't have too much of an issue defeating the poes she was lead to with her magic or swords; really whatever she felt like using at the time. With each poe defeated, it was harder and harder to find more. Occasionally Sectonia had to summon more antillions, but the poes themselves stood no chance when they were challenged by two powerful mages, and eventually they had collected the 20 poe souls in this area. With that done, Sectonia went to go see Jovani and what this 'reward' would be. If it was horrid, she doubted she'd go through with breaking his curse. [center][hider=For Sectonia and Rubick]You have obtained: [b]Rewind[/b] [i]A pencil used to rewind a cassette. It can restore any tape that hasn't been broken to full health[/i] [b]Web Wrap Sticker[/b] [i]A sticker that can be stuck to (and peeled off from) any combatant to grant the usage of the move Web Wrap. It has only 20% accuracy, but if the silk bind hits, it will inflict the Tape Jam status effect for 30 seconds. Those afflicted with Tape Jam cannot change forms or use summons by any means[/i] [url=https://i.imgur.com/HM9NXuw.png][b]Great Fairy's Tears[/b][/url] A bottle full of immensely magical glowing pink liquid. If fully consumed, it will restore the drinker to full vitality and provide a large attack boost until the drinker takes damage again or sixteen seconds pass[/hider][/center]