[quote=@CaptainManbeard] Well, you would be the one writing your own combat scene. I would introduce enough enemies for each player to have the opportunity to write a battle scene between their character and one or more opponents, kind of similar to how normal RPs work. The focus is still primarily narrative, the dice rolls just give a general idea of how well the characters perform. [/quote] The problem isn't really the dice roll itself. I have played D&D quite a few times, so I know how it goes. Sometimes the luck of the dice gods is with you, and sometimes, they just throw up two big middle fingers. The issue in my mind is that this is a single dice roll governing an entire future series of actions. You only get one roll, one singular point of success or failure. And once you have it, you can't adapt to or overcome it, because you don't get any other rolls to follow up with. It's a predetermined result. To me, this seems like the sort of situation where it would better benefit from being either one or the other, full narrative or full dice. A single dice roll governing an entire narrative isn't much of a narrative at all. There isn't really a narrative tit for tat, where both sides can try to outsmart the other, because no matter what, the result is determined. Highs may be higher, sure, but lows are even lower. I'm pretty big on character agency, and this has very little. Even with normal D&D, I'm not a huge fan of ICly having every possible reason to succeed and just... not, but with that, at least you have the opportunity to roll more dice on later turns to try and recover or alter a failed plan. Not so here. Of course, all that said, I really am tempted to give this a try, but you can see my misgivings. A big thing for me in an RP is character agency, that my success and failure rests on my own skills and tactics winning the day. This system doesn't allow for that outside pure luck. But all told, I do actually still want to give it a whirl. At the least, I think I'm interested enough to try this system out. I don't think I'll like it, but I'd be glad to be wrong.