The man behind him seemed to be intent on pressuring the older woman, whom he presumed to be the wife of the former Baron von Kruber, into marriage. Cedar did not like this prospect, as he felt that any union between the sexes should always be done through mutualistic interest and desire, and not through any kind of coercion. His reasons for this were personal: The difference between his dad being a loving husband, and a [i]RAPIST[/i], stemmed ENTIRELY on the fact that his mother actually [i]desired[/i] his father in that way. As far as Cedar was concerned, it made [i]all the difference in the world[/i] which situation was true, and which was not. He had argued to defend his father's honor more often than he had cared to dwell on, and this hard-lined distinction was now hard-impressed into what he considered "a right and proper" union. He had sufficient misgivings to want to 'put an end' to any further 'unwanted advances' by this gentleman, but needed a means to do so without resorting to direct conflict. Moreover, those same misgivings, had him... questioning.. the reason for the young woman's scent of dread and terror. (It *WAS* quite possible that she was afraid of *HIM*, being so close to their table; However, she had smelled suspiciously fearful from across the room, before he had approached just as well.) He had.. [i]Other suspicions[/i].. that he needed to confirm, and for that he needed to.. Well... Let's just say that particular activity necessitated a rather unpleasant facial expression that he had found, humans found particularly threatening for some reason, despite being completely benign, perhaps even flattering, if they really knew what it was. In short, he needed an excuse to stop the man's advances and appear threatening, without actually, situationally, appearing threatening. He smirked a little as the idea drifted through his head, before suppressing it. He would only really get one shot at this. The randy gentleman that was being piggishly demanding of the poor widow woman was seated in a chair almost directly behind him; He could knock this man and his chair over if he just happened to back up 'just a bit' too far. A little "Accident" that nobody anticipated, and which startled everyone, even himself, would give exactly the kind of cover he needed. He tipped his head the other way, as if STILL undecided which drink he wanted, and began backing up toward the man's chair, acting as though he were completely oblivious to the man's presence back there. Within moments, his huge booted foot collided with the chair leg, the momentum of his far superior mass did its dirty work, and he choreographed the entire plan in rapid succession. "[color=7bcdc8]--AH SHEEII' !--[/color]" he cursed in a hurried, but then self-hushed tone, faking surprise and alarm at the collision before spinning around quickly, causing his boot to entangle the chairleg further, and topple it onto its side. As he spun, he curled his upper lip up, exposing his teeth in what surely appeared a most menacing manner, and pulled a slow and steady stream of air in, and through the roof of his mouth and nose, getting the deepest scent draw he could get on all the now highly startled dinner guests, committing every single detail and nuance to memory, before visibly smoothing his face, making the most pained and exasperated look he knew how to emulate, then bowing deeply to the "Offended" guests, offering his huge paw-like hand to the now spilled gentleman lying on the floor to assist him up. "[color=7bcdc8]-- Ahh dayum-- I's real sorreh-- Please, Furgive muh clumbsiness-- 'Ere, lemme 'elp yous up misser?--[/color]" He was angling for a name, and doing his best to show genuine courtesy to the man whom he had now (very much "Accidentally-on-purpose") caused to go for a tumble, and to the other stunned guests at their table.