Kirsten adjusted her glass as she made her decision. Gepard was not sure if she confirmed or denied his offer until her paltry smile escaped her lips (and surprisingly) his offered hand accepted hers, and was put it onto her waist. He smiled with satisfaction, feeling she was being serious, and not just leading him on; a gesture that she wanted him to lead her out, and on to the dance floor. They strolled like a couple onto the dance floor, where they joined in and took their positions. Gepard recognized the music immediately, and responded with muscle memory to the beat, adapting the moves as he went. He put geat care with his partner-- a gentle touch on the waist accompanied well-placed steps, supporting her movement in a smooth and energetic twirl that seemed to come without effort. The York family often practiced dancing at home, as part of their lessons to their children: It was a part of Gepard’s life. Dance and meter were taught right alongside his martial training, and had continued even during his soldiering. He was known to break into dances at times to relieve himself of the stresses of trying and difficult times when stationed on the front lines.