Cedar glowered somewhat menacingly at the 'chaperone', but very sternly and politely addressed him. "[color=7bcdc8]Sair, I dun' need ya ta tie meh to nobudy's apr'n strangs. I an't no chil', an I assures ya, I a LOT bigger an ya is. I ain't lookin' fer no trouble, but I kin clean up muh own messes. Ya hear?[/color]" He turned back around just in time to hear the men talking rather rudely about him, which he studiously ignored. The hassling of the poor woman however, he interdicted on. He walked casually back to the edge of the table, well within talking distance, but outside of the patron's personal space, and where it could still be rightly called a 'common area.' "[color=7bcdc8]Hey naow--[/color]" Cedar said very calmly. "[color=7bcdc8]Leave 'at poor lady be. If she who uh thinks she is, she dun been through 'nuff a'ready, an' dun need nunya bull-sheeit. I jus' come down tuh get sommat ta drink 'at muh face might righ'ly fit in-- Lil' bitty glasses is made fer hooman folk like yaself, nut for big ol' fellars like meh ya knows.[/color]" He had long since come to "just ignore" the hurtful bullshit some humans uttered. They only demonstrated how small and un-exercised their minds were when they behaved that way. He switched to a friendly, jovial tone. "[color=7bcdc8]Asides-- anuhbuddy kin see da lady ain't intru'sted in summat like meh-- Onleh person 'at is, be 'at --creepy ol' hag-- Cait'lyn Stri'zle.[/color]" He made a revolted shudder, then turned his head. He addressed the lady directly. "[color=7bcdc8]Currect muh if'n I's wrong, but you's Mrs von Kruber, righ'?[/color]"