WIP [Hider=Alex the Librarian] [CHARACTER IMAGE COMING] [b][color=00ff66]Name:[/color][/b] Alexandrea "Alex" the Librarian [b][color=00ff66]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=00ff66]Species:[/color][/b] Sphinx [b][color=00ff66]Abilities/Magic:[/color][/b] Sphinxes are apex predators, possessed of supernatural strength and stamina - she can easily chase you to the ends of the world twice before killing you. Anger at your peril. Incredibly sharp 20/4 vision, handy when she's flying in her native form. She can also teleport, and transform herself into a very tall woman. It's not known if there are other forms she can transform herself into. Alex's lived for a thousand years, and is incredibly quick to heal - not even radiation affects her. She can work ancient magic, her affinity is with weather magic. Or did you think it was happenstance all those thunderstorms kept showing up? Thanks to her powerful neck muscles, she has survived a rope hanging in her human form. [b][color=00ff66]Skills:[/color][/b] Alex knows many languages, some of which have been long dead for centuries. Best not to ask why some of those languages died out. She holds a masters in library science. And yes, she wrote the book. Holds a doctorate in Archeology, and an associate degree in forensic science. Understands chemistry, biology, and physics. Knows the last thousand years of history very well. [b][color=00ff66]Weaknesses: [/color][/b] That being said, she can't outrun a bullet or a blade to her back - she has a few scars. She can be drugged. [b][color=00ff66]Personality Traits:[/color][/b] Alex is very organized, likes to keep things clean and in good repair. While she tries to be friendly and even diplomatic, sometimes motherly, knowing there are times that the young ones need a good swat. Cultivates an air of mystery around herself - it may be her enigmatic smile, or perhaps it's simply knowing where she buried the bodies. She has a weakness for books. A bit pessimistic, she's seen too many of the horrors. [b][color=00ff66]Backstory:[/color][/b] Named after the lost library, she grew up as a guardian, protecting knowledge, sometimes sharing it with those she deems worthy. There's been a few betrayals, a few broken hearts, some losses, and too many book burnings. She's helped to rescue books from burning libraries, art and exhibits from museums Very few humans have earned the right to visit her library. [b][color=00ff66]Extra:[/color][/b] The library exists in a pocket dimension. Only those who know how to teleport or where to find the doorways may enter. Uninvited guests and misbehaving patrons may not reach the exits. [/hider]