The talk stopped abruptly. "Oh, here we go again." Cedar the bear, standing fully upright towered beside the sitting guest. The man with stained doublet was still for a moment, his ire rose and boiled as Cedar speak. His voice was indistinguishable rambles, but nobles knew an order when they hear it, and this order came not from anything remotely superior or kingly, but rather from a woodland bumpkin who happened to earn their king's favor. [i]How dare he! [/i] He stood, face red not only by anger but also embarrassment, regulated lots of self-restraint. Either because he acknowledged the disparity in weight and perceived strength or tried to be a better man by not instigating a fight himself, nobody could know. A harsh, confrontative glare was all he could do before he left the table. Meanwhile, his comrade leaned against his char, his expression was stern when Cedar uttered a name. "[color=7bcdc8]Currect muh if'n I's wrong, but you's Mrs von Kruber, righ'?[/color]" The woman was even more tense. He eyed the bear defiantly, her body trembled in a seething disdain, but he closed her eyes once and managed to appear emotionless. Her words were hoarse and stifled, yet comprehensibly calm. "I am. What Do You Want?" [center]*************[/center] Admiral Silas Delving laughed. [color=FEF9A7]"That's very kind of you asking that. It appears that I am quite well! [/color] And then he sighed exasperatedly, though still trying to keep a hard edge out of his voice, He failed. [color=FEF9A7]"but things could've always been better." [/color] [color=FEF9A7]"Are you two not dancing?"[/color] he continued somewhat more jovial this time. [color=FEF9A7]"Don't tell me even the most lavish party in Rascade has managed to disappoint two gorgeous ladies and leave their feet cold! That would surely tarnish the reputation of our capital city."[/color]