Cedar breathed a huge sigh of relief, then relaxed his posture noticeably. '[color=7bcdc8]Ahh, guud..' [/color]he drawled somberly. '[color=7bcdc8]Sorreh I dun dove off ya gues' 'ere, bu' it seem fate ain't all bad; --got a chance ta talk atcha..[/color]' He nodded and slightly tipped his head. Ears went wide-apart with genuine contrition and sorrow. '[color=7bcdc8]..Ya has muh deepes' condol'nces, concernin' ya people an' ya fam'leh[/color].' He made a short bow of dignified respect, with one arm behind his back, then straightened up again, keeping the pensive and sorrowful posture. '[color=7bcdc8]It been weighin' heav'ly on meh, 'soon 's uh heard wut happen. Uh from a quiet rural taown tuh -- an' -- we din' git no help when we got ...[/color]' he trailed off then forced forward. '[color=7bcdc8]I wann'ed ya tuh know, I wants ta help yas, an' yer peoples. Anuh way uh can. Sadleh, fer reas'ns I caint avoid, uh caint help em poor people a yorn... buh', see'in as ya here.. mebbeh I kin help yas, an' ya faml'eh. --No charge.[/color]" He looked innocently at the remaining 'table guest', then back again. '[color=7bcdc8]His Majes'y dun reward'd meh han'somely fer protectin' is boy 'is pas' week. .. as yas kin plainleh sees-- I's a [i]bear[/i]-- Uh dun' realleh need no money. --I sorreh, buh', I o'er heard yas has .. troubles... bu' uh has an idear, if'n ya in'rested. I has more 'n 'nuff tuh buys a nice, com'fer'ble haouse in taown-- mebbeh smaller'n ya used tuh, bu' yu'd beh welcome tuh it. It a fair be'er use an I cud put deh money tuh nohow, --an uh'd feel be'er 'bout not helpin' ya people rebuild 'er lives af'er wut happen'. Uh'd wear da harness an' pull da plaow muhself, if'n uh could...[/color]" He once more looked at the other man-- 'Mason'? Was it?--, but kept talking to her. "[color=7bcdc8]Naow, afores ya gives an answer, uh won' be stayin' dere. Uh pruhfers were uh already is.[/color]" He looked back at Mrs von Kruber. '[color=7bcdc8]Uh don' wan' nut'n in return. 'Prop'rteh be in muh name, so ain't nobuddy got claims tuh take it. Ya coul' stay 'slong as ya like, an' leave when'er' yah wan'. E'en come back 'gin, ya needs tuh. Ya welcome tuh it--You 'n ya faml'eh been through 'nuff. Don' need people tryin' ta do ya wrong-- spec'lly af'er .. .. 'af'er wut happen'.[/color]" He paused a moment, then continued. '[color=7bcdc8]Ain't nun muh bus'ness who ya marry, nor e'en if nor when-- I jus' wan' ya tuh know, ain' no rush. Ya takes ya time-- picks who ya wan'. Ain't nobuddeh should e'er feel pushed tuh do summat nor be wit' summat 'at dey dun want. Ne'er. 'At a sacred thang.--- buh you's thinks on it, aright? uh's real sorreh uh ruin' ya table. Only fair-- ya can has mine. If it please ya, you an' ya guests kin go o'er dere, while 'ey cleans up 'ere. If'n ya decides tuh take muh up on 'is, an' need a place tuh stay, uh'll talks wit' his highness.. see in'f ya caint stay 'ere in da cas'le tuhnight. Uh'd e'en give up muh room fer ya...[/color]" He felt he had grossly overstayed his welcome, but had said what he wanted to. ... done what he wanted to.. Any more needed her consent, and he was not about to pressure her. Far the opposite in fact. [color=7bcdc8]'Lemme knows wut ya decides. No strangs-- no pressure. Ya choice.[/color]' He bowed again. '[color=7bcdc8]Have a gud ev'nin, Mrs von Kruber. Won' take no moar 'a yoar time.[/color]' he said, then turned and walked away.