[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/planet-coaster-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230730/769175159d18f8b560c3529ca816150f.png[/img][/url] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOWNhb3cxMDdlOTQydmtuaXkyajl5NXVvYmxkZ2ZmYWdub2k3ZXB3aiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/efy6zMB6SbSXUmXwCZ/giphy.gif[/img][/center] Getting ready for events was always an interesting event for Lucas. Especially formal ones. Given that [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTICz4dWQAAU_54?format=jpg&name=medium]formal clothing[/url] was normally tighter than the looser fitting clothes he used, he had to request help from his mother to be able to get his trousers on. It didn't help that his golden retriever Blu had decided that watching Lucas struggle to put clothes on was some kind of game. Eventually clothes were put on, admittedly covered in dog hair. So an extra 15 minutes was taken using a lint roller to get rid of the hairs. Lucas was excited to be able to go and meet everyone again. He had September getting used to Tanner once more, remembering the sounds and then sensations that helped him navigate around. Carlisle had been a little afraid to invite Lucas to the ceremony. Not because he wasn’t welcome, but for the fact that there was going to be an awful lot of people around. It was agreed that Lucas would arrive later on in the evening once the main entrance was clear. Lucas’s final step was to get his mother to put a dog waistcoat onto Blu. It was a formal occasion afterall. Finally arriving at the ceremony, His mother helped Lucas and Blu out of the car. She had elected not to come to the ceremony and instead was going to stay in the people carrier in the parking lot and catch up on some netflix on the TV inside. Kissing Lucas on the forehead as goodbye, Blu guided Lucas towards the Coven entrance. Once inside, Lucas felt suddenly overwhelmed. Noise was everywhere. Normally he would use sounds to help ordinate and guide himself as he moved, however there were so many people talking and moving around that his hearing was overwhelmed and his brain was struggling to isolate the sounds and figure out where everyone was. [color=F2D2BD]”Blu, Find food”[/color] Lucas commanded to his friend. With a soft acknowledging bark, Blu began to guide Lucas around the household, weaving and turning around various groups of people talking. He kept doing so until he eventually found a table with food on it, sitting down, signaling to Lucas they had arrived. Lucas placed his hand forward, feeling the edge of the table. Then there was a deep sigh as Lucas realized that he couldn’t actually work out what food was on the table without touching it, which was faux pas at a party. Casting true vision on himself, he looked around, seeing the outlines of everything on the table. He was able to make out some of the foods based purely on shape. Settling on what looked like party sausages, Lucas took an empty plate and took some sausages and put them on. He also took one and made sure to feed it to Blu for his good work. He had arrived just in time to hear the start of Carlisle’s speech. Arriving at the back of the crowd, Lucas listened to the speech. He could tell that Carlisle was nervous, his speech pattern gave it away. However, Lucas would be lying if he didn’t enjoy the quiet that had come across the household as everyone listened. Once the speech was over, Lucas gave a little clap, as he found himself a chair out on the veranda and sat himself down, making sure that Blu had enough space to lie down himself. With them safely in a chair, Lucas deactivated his true seeing and took a deep breath. He would never be able to get over just how exhausting it was to maintain concentration on the spell while navigating. He did note however, that Carlisle seemed to have some sort of strange energy coming off him, and it also seemed to be linked to someone else at the party who Lucas couldn’t make out. He put a pin in his mind to ask Carlisle about it later on. For now he wanted to listen to the party vibe.