[NPC Post] Commotion was inevitable this evening, what's with how that old bastard Jonas - may there be a special place in hell reserved for that man - undoubtedly seeded his chess pieces here. The spark already flew before Fredricus even finished opening the soiree. And it's not like the guests of honor were free of any issues either, what's with Crystalspark's enigmatic personality or Rosenving possibly coming into contact with her estranged parents or the bear-man being way out of his depth. When it did happen, however, was a much larger matter than expected. The first crash attracted attention, but the party still went on. Accidents happen, after all. But when the screaming started, even the musicians slowly stopped playing as the mood ground to a halt. Yet when the fools, the fence-sitters, and the uninvolved set their eyes to watch the show, Fredricus scanned for the ones who hold the strings. His eyes met Jonas for a moment, undoubtedly having the same idea, inwardly picturing how great it would be to throttle the old snake until the last sign of life faded from his corpse. But Fredricus reined in his temper. That seemed to be something he had to do a lot lately. Thankfully, the two of them almost simultaneously looked away. In low tone the king sent out an order to his chamberlain, who in turn passed it to his personal servant. The man slipped closer to the site of incident, at the edge of plain sight yet nearly unnoticed. For who would notice a servant in this room, when they didn't need anything? Moreso with a dramatic moment to drink in. The entire hall was silent after Cedar's declaration and summary departure, all attention then shifting to Fredricus like a shifting tide. He let it stew for a moment, until the now much more apparent servant returned with a short version of what happened. The room waited with bated breaths as he listened, before finally standing up to address the issue. [b][color=#d896ff]"It seemed that my guest have difficulty conveying his intent, moreso to someone so overtaken with grief."[/color][/b] No chance he's letting Jonas spin this into something outrageous. Best smother it in the crib. [b][color=#d896ff]"Tonight is a night for celebration. I shall overlook both Sir Cedar's clumsiness and Madam Kruber's outburst, and they will have a chance to straighten this up in a more private occasion with my representative present to facilitate proper communication."[/color][/b] His gaze scanned across the room, as if challenging anyone to speak up. Nobody did. [b][color=#d896ff]"As for Baron Kruber's untimely demise, that is a matter still under investigation. The news will be publicized at a later date once the men on site finished analyzing the scene. That is all. Continue."[/color][/b] The last part was directed to the musicians, who hurriedly resumed playing as if their neck's depending on it. As Fredricus sat down, murmurs of gossip almost immediately suffused the room. Some rumor will undoubtedly spread tonight, but Fredricus had a proper picture painted and ready for dissemination comes the next day. Otto von Kruber will be painted as a martyr, a treatment way too good for a treasonous wretch like him, but Fredricus will let that go. As long as that snake Jonas is snared in the end, sparing a few underlings in the process was not out of question.