[center][table][row][cell] [right][colour=red][b][colour=gold]ꁲ ꂵ ꁲ ꋊ ꂠ ꂑ ꋊ ꈼ[/colour][/b] [sub][sup]ꋖ ꂑ ꂵ ꈼ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Day 1 [Night] [/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]꒒ ꂦ ꀯ ꁲ ꋖ ꂑ ꂦ ꋊ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Lock and Key [Somerset][/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]ꉣ ꁲ ꌅ ꋖ ꂑ ꀯ ꂑ ꉣ ꁲ ꋊ ꋖ ꌚ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white][NPC] Sir Dorian [@WhiteAngel25] Faline[/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]ꌚ ꂦ ꐇ ꋊ ꂠ ꋖ ꌅ ꁲ ꀯ ꀗ[/sup][/sub] [sup][url=https://youtu.be/EmYjMUfIHqI]♫[/url][/sup][/colour][/right] [/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/GoszZJq.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table][/center] The cloaked figure moved effortlessly through the cobbled streets of Somerset as she surveyed the surroundings. It was yet another human town among many she had visited, watching the occupants wallow in their greed, corruption, and vice. The scent of ‘civilization’ clung thickly to the air, in stark contrast to the aromas of nature. Life in the temples prioritized cleanliness, with incense burning to safeguard against foul odours. Here, the streets were an open latrine, and signs of illness were evident. Despite talk of the grey plague wandering in these parts, no one seemed the wiser. Thankfully, her task didn't involve trying to purge the stench from this human town. She had a crucial lead as she followed the steps of ꁲꁅꍩꁲꂠ in her journey of a thousand miles. She learned there was an envoy of the Emperor present, the enemy, who acted as an intermediary in this town. The information led her to the doors of a den of disrepute, known colloquially as a tavern, with the precipitation from the misty rain clinging to the shutters and sign, which transcribed the name with symbols of a lock and key, for those unable to read. With her cloak wrapped tightly around her, she pushed through the door and made her way to the bar. In the guise of a weary traveller here for the markets, and with the exchange of some coin, she secured herself a suitable hidey-hole with drink and food, fitting her role as she scanned the lively crowds. She could quickly identify the locals as they greeted and called to each other, similar to those not from these parts who travelled in small groups and pairs. She noticed an individual who strutted like a peacock in his steel armour. She considered her plan of approach, perhaps cornering him when he was alone, her eyes suspiciously examining his companions as she weighed their strength. Her attention shifted as she noticed the red-haired woman seemingly gazing at the man herself, an admirer perhaps? She waited, watched, witnessing her make the first move as the game finished. The girl's hips swayed as if she were going to proposition him, and that she did as the token landed on the table. The man seemingly pocketed it before leading her through the back. Identifying the token, she moved to the diary and found a similar one with a strange symbol representing a fist and a dragon on the flip-side. She examined it and wondered, perhaps this was a token that signalled those employed by the Emperor. [hider=Token][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3oHhti1.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/2WvLBPI.png[/img][/center][/hider] Gathering her belongings, she moved toward the door leading to the back. As the door pushed open, and the man walked back out, she was already there, her token between her fingers. [i]Act like you belong.[/i] She held it out toward him while seamlessly manoeuvring behind him into the back room, wordlessly, as if this interaction had been done a hundred times before. She examined the room, attempting to determine its function, already identifying a loose floorboard that had recently been moved. Her gaze focused on the woman seated by the fire. Her hood lowered, a smile etched on her face as it settled warmly. [colour=gold]"Salutations, fellow traveller,"[/colour] her head inclined toward the other's travelling bag. [colour=gold]"The weather is never the most pleasant this time of year."[/colour] Using the moment to approach, her easy-going manner practised, she placed her bag alongside Faline's and extended her hand toward her. [colour=gold]"You may address me as Amandine. I feel we may become closely acquainted shortly."[/colour] [hr][hr]