[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=silver]Megan Pendragon[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR0pmc6n/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=silver]Location:[/color][/b] Rapunzel's Tower [b][color=silver]Skills:[/color][/b] Medical Science [hr][hr][/center] Megan nodded, before beginning her work as Rapunzel handed her the needle. It was by no means her finest stitching. She made no comment about her patient's choice of conversation topic. Perhaps someone might have unkindly assumed that Megan did somewhat crude work on purpose, as a way to express jealousy over the blonde haired girl winning the heart of the red haired girl. Megan had fancied the second woman for a moment. But above all else, Megan was a professional. She took pride in her work. Would she really intentionally do subpar stitches? [color=silver]"No, the scar will be prominent - you're very lucky,"[/color] Megan told her patient. After all, scars just indicated things that failed to kill you. Megan would prefer to have more of them. A wound that healed without one was just a disappointment. She eyed her assistant - the girl who had an uncanny resemblance to herself. [color=silver]"Forgive me, I didn't catch your name - I'm Dr. Megan Pendragon,"[/color] she said, extending a hand.