[NPC Post] The bear was as straightforward as the initial assessment said. Which means he's so terribly simple to recruit, but to that end if Theodore can see it then so did anyone else. It's a good thing that he seemed to be the first one to come up with the offer. The mage inwardly uttered some apology to the king, but this was the one individual that the Steinwall wouldn't let go. [b][color=#33FFF7]"Of course. We are trying to befriend you, because we hope that you will help us in the near future."[/color][/b] This was actually rather refreshing. No need for cutthroat negotiation or beating around the bushes, just simple trade. It's rare to find such opportunity outside the family. [b][color=#33FFF7]"No dungeon visit."[/color][/b] Theo smiled wryly, showing both his palms ahead for reassurance. [b][color=#33FFF7]"Details is not yet in the plan, but there'll likely be public speeches and spell demonstration. Maybe talk to a few people. But you'll have enough time to prepare and practice, unlike what went under tonight."[/color][/b]