[b]Name of Ship:[/b] U.S.S George Hammond [b]Home Universe/Name of Franchise: [/b] [url=https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Stargate_Wiki]Stargate Wikia[/url] [b]Ship Class:[/b] [url=https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/BC-304]BC-304[/url] [b]Role:[/b] Battlecruiser/Carrier [b]Physical Description/Image:[/b] [hider=image][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/267065033480077312/1137049168410574981/BC-304.png[/img][/hider] [b]Physical Size (roughly):[/b] 225m long x 95m wide x 75m deep [b]Armament/Complement (roughly): [/b] [list] [*]4 Asgard plasma beam weapons [*]32 Railguns [*]16 VLS Missile Tubes [*]16 F-302s [/list] [b]History of the Ship:[/b] The U.S.S. George Hammond or simply Hammond is the sixth 304 produced by the United States of America, and the fourth operated by the United States Air Force, assigned to the Second Tactical Wing. The ship was slated to be named Phoenix, but was renamed in honor of the late Lt. General George S. Hammond, who'd passed away around the time its construction was completed. After commissioning, the George Hammond was stationed at Atlantis during the conflict with Queen Death and participated in several battles with the Wraith, including the final battle of the war. While being repaired afterwards Carter was approached by the ascended version of Daniel, and having made some [i]slight[/i] modifications to her ships roster. They took the plunge into the unknown once again. [b]Notable Crew:[/b] CO - Colonel Samantha Carter XO - Lt.Col Tyrone Franklin Chief Science Officer - Major Jennifer Hailey Pilot & Weapons Ops - Major Kevin Marks Ship Navigator - Captain Pat Meyers Optional, but helpful: [b]Unique Technology:[/b] [url=https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Asgard_computer_core]Asgard Computer Core[/url] [url=https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Asgard_transporter]Asgard Transporter[/url] [b]Crew Size: [/b] 200 [b]Faction/Operator/Owner:[/b] Homeworld Command