[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fDAhjI1.png[/img][hr][h1][color=00ffff]Avenger[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [b][color=00ffff]Home Universe/Name of Franchise: [/color][/b] [url=https://xcom.fandom.com/wiki/XCOM_2]XCOM 2[/url] [b][color=00ffff]Ship Class:[/color][/b] [url=https://xcom.fandom.com/wiki/Avenger_(XCOM_2)]Ethereal collective cargo barge (Refit)[/url] [b][color=00ffff]Role:[/color][/b] Mobile headquarters [b][color=00ffff]Physical Size (roughly):[/color][/b] - Length: 350m - Width: 250m (Including engines) - Height: 75m [b][color=00ffff]Armament/Complement (roughly): [/color][/b] Four anti-personnel turrets defending the entry ramp [b][color=00ffff]History of the Ship:[/color][/b] The Avenger started it's life a cargo barge in the alien collective that has conquered the Earth in it'S local universe. During their conquest, the Avenger was disabled and lied dormant, until it was found by the surviving remnants of the Earth's defenders, the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, now turned into guerillas. It took 20 years, but eventually, XCOM freed their commander whom the Aliens were using for tactical simulations, and under her leadership united the various resistance cells and eventually kicked the Aliens from Earth by performing a decapitation strike on the Ethereals, the aliens ruling the collective. Now without a purpose, XCOM heeded Daniel's request to aid a foreign world. [b][color=00ffff]Notable Crew:[/color][/b] - The Commander of XCOM - Central officer John Bradford - Dr. Richard Tygan - Engineer Lily Shen - XCOM soldiers - 6x Specialist - 3x Ranger - 3x Sharpshooter - 3x Psionic operative - 2x Templar - 1x Skirmisher - 1x Reaper - 1x SPARK - 1x Commander's avatar [b][color=00ffff]Unique Technology:[/color][/b] - Elerium - Resistance ring (War room/diplomatic hub) - PSI lab - Shadow chamber (Special projects facility, includes a teleportation gate) [b][color=00ffff]Crew Size: [/color][/b]~35, with free capacity [b][color=00ffff]Faction/Operator/Owner:[/color][/b] Extraterrestrial Combat Unit