Hello there, I'll be blunt, I've got two separate enquires I'd like to make regarding the Roleplay-guild. To be honest, I'm not very good with technology and therefore the more technical aspects of my concerns might be messily written, but I'll do my best to explain myself and questions, so please bare with me. Alright, here we go! 1: [u]This website appears to be falsely flagged up by my mobile's internet service provider.[/u] Whenever I attempt to access this website using my mobile data, and without Wi-Fi, the guild is usually flagged as 'insecure' and subsequently blocked. My phone will incorrectly proclaim the domain is attempting to 'steal personal information' or could be used as such by hackers. Even stranger is this error appears to be inconsistent, sometimes (for seemingly no reason) the website will work flawlessly, only for it to be blocked again later. At the current moment it's working, but I'm sure it'll be faulty again soon. This issue never occurs when using Wi-Fi, even public Wi-Fi at that. 2: [u]Privacy and data[/u] I often use incognito mode when browsing this site as I tend to engage in adult themes, preferring to keep these personal and unrelated to my day-to-day life. Nevertheless, even with this precaution I've noticed ads popping which give the accurate addresses to nearby businesses, sometimes within walking distance away from my actual location. Now I'm not an expert on the matter, but if google has taught me anything in last few hours of searching, it's all due to something called an 'IP address' that's linked to my real-time location. So, my question is, how long does this website store personal data and IP addresses (honestly, my only real concern is the IP, nothing more). Is my IP address permanently logged onto the site, or will it be automatically overwritten/deleted if enough time passed without me being on the site? I'm guessing this site stores information separately to the ads too, if so then I'm only concerned about the site, and how long IP addresses is stored. [u]And that's it[/u] I'm perfectly aware my understanding of the internet, and how it functions, is rather lacking despite my frequent usage of it. I'm not sure if I've provided enough information for you to work with here or even if my questions made much sense. Either way, I hope you can get back to me soon! Cheers.