[hider=Malevolence II] [b]Name of Ship:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Malevolence]Malevolence II[/url] [b]Home Universe/Name of Franchise: [/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page]Star Wars: The Clone Wars[/url] [b]Ship Class:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Subjugator-class_heavy_cruiser]Subjugator-class Heavy Cruiser[/url] [b]Role:[/b] Flagship/Heavy Battleship [b]Physical Description/Image:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fIFtFlu.png[/img] [b]Physical Size (roughly):[/b] 4,845 meters long, nearly as large as 5 [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Venator-class_Star_Destroyer/Legends]Venator-class Star Destroyers[/url]. [b]Propulsion:[/b] [list] [*]Power Plant: Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor [*]Engines: 16 (Maximum sublight speed: 1,050 kilometers per hour) [*]Hyperdrive: [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hyperdrive/Legends]Class 1[/url] [*]Backup Hyperdrive: Class 12 [/list] [b]Armament (roughly):[/b] [list] [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ion_pulse_cannon]Ion Pulse Cannons[/url] (2) [*]Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (5) [*]Medium Turbolaser Batteries (2) [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Turbolaser/Legends]Twin Turbolaser Batteries[/url] (500) [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tractor_beam/Legends]Tractor Beam Batteries[/url] (2) [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Point-defense_cannon]Point-defense Light Laser Canon Batteries[/url] (5) [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Proton_torpedo_launcher/Legends]Proton Torpedo Launchers[/url] [/list] [b]Complement (roughly):[/b] [list] [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Variable_Geometry_Self-Propelled_Battle_Droid,_Mark_I/Legends]Vulture-class droid fighters[/url] (144). [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hyena-class_bomber]Hyena-class bombers[/url] 48. [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Droch-class_boarding_ship/Legends]Droch-class "pod hunter" boarding ships[/url] (unknown plurality). [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Landing_craft/Legends]Landing Craft[/url] [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Shuttle]Shuttles[/url] [*][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Soulless_One/Legends]Soulless One[/url], Grievous's starfighter. [*]Sinnali's personal ship. [*]Various support ships. [*]Various battledroids from across the spectrum of the Separatist [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/B-series_battle_droid/Legends]B-Series[/url], along with [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Droideka/Legends]Droidekas[/url], and the [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/IG-100_MagnaGuard/Legends]IG-100 MagnaGuards[/url]. [/list] [b]History of the Ship:[/b] [indent]The Confederate Navy's most powerful battleship class, engineered by the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, it has some design similarities to both the Providence-class carrier/destroyer and the Recusant-class light destroyer, but is almost as large as five Venator-class Star Destroyers. The class is based around its ion pulse cannons, a weapons system not used on board any other warship class, due to its unique power-generation needs. Despite its status as the Confederacy's most powerful battleship design, eclipsing pre-war models like the Lucrehulk-class, the model is classified as a heavy cruiser and is one of the largest designs that has come from the Confederate shipyards. The ship sports an advanced sensor array and navigation computer, which are capable of calculating courses around objects that are too large for the Malevolence to perform a hyperspace jump through. The Malevolence also possesses sensor jammers that are capable of preventing enemies from sending out transmissions, such as the communications systems of Venator-class Star Destroyers. Furthermore, the Malevolence is also equipped with stabilizers, as well its own communications systems that can sustain a transmission while moving through hyperspace and is capable of sending transmissions to other areas of its interior. It also retains scanners that have the capability of detecting any sources of power, such as nearby vessels and droids. The security systems -among other things- have been further enhanced and made redundant to prevent the sort of sabotage that ended its predecessor. It also sports a Class 1 hyperdrive, a further improvement over the original Class 2. The fourth of its class to be built, the Malevolence II is an improved reconstruction of the flagship once lost to General Grievous. Constructed at Pammant Docks under the supervision of Grievous, the Malevolence was almost slain in the womb by the interference of a Jedi Knight, who managed to overcome all of the defenses arrayed against them through what can only be called the will of the Force. The fortunate intervention of Darth Sinnali saw the Jedi thwarted and slain, however, leading to the successful completion and launch of the revived superweapon. As a reward for her actions and simultaneous punishment to Grievous (both for losing the original Malevolence and for losing the second if not for Sinnali's intervention), Sinnali was assigned as the Commander of the Vessel, superseding even Grievous's authority. And together, they went a bit hog wild, becoming a terror of the Republic. Under Sinnali's advice, the threat of the Malevolence was vastly magnified by its inclusion in a proper fleet formation, no longer simply relying on its strength alone and risking it being surrounded and gunned down again. [/indent] [b]Notable Crew:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Grievous/Legends]General Grievous[/url], [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Unidentified_OOM_command_battle_droid_(Malevolence)/Legends]OOM Command Battle Droid[/url], Darth Sinnali. [hider=Darth Sinnali] True Name: Unknown/Discarded Alias: Darth Sinnali Profession: Secretary in the Republic Senate, Sith Apprentice, Separatist General Age: 26 Appearance: [indent]A young woman of pale skin and jet-black shoulder-length hair, Sinnali cuts a distinctive figure with her black and grey Sith robes and hooded cloak. Perhaps her most notable feature is the large black blindfold that obscures her upper face from the bridge of her nose to the edge of her hairline. Despite seeming like she should be blinded, Sinnali appears to have no trouble operating as normal in any respect, be it mundane or combat. True to her Sith nature, her lightsaber thrums a vivid crimson when ignited; though her backup saber hums a royal purple. Should her mask be removed, behind it can be found deep blue eyes that are often bled a molten gold from the Dark Side when not concealing her nature. [/indent] Personality: [indent]As far as Sith go, Sinnali is almost unnervingly well-composed. A smile is never far from her lips, nor a polite greeting... so long as she is afforded the same. She can be snarky, even liable to run her mouth to playfully needle people, and an air of easy comradery tends to follow her, treating others on an individual meritocratic basis. Her amiability isn't even false the majority of the time; though it's just as likely to be a tool to further her ends. Despite her youth and enjoyment of a good fight, she is no hot-blooded fool. Sinnali's fury burns cold... when it burns at all. She seems to take after Count Dooku in her usage of the Dark Side of the Force; though her personal stance is yet further divorced from his or even Sidious's. To Sinnali, there is nothing more worth pursuing than freedom, and freedom requires power. Extending from that, "Power is Power" is her straightforward motto, one that leads her to shun neither the Light nor the Dark, despite being inclined to the latter. She believes in personal balance, and she interprets true balance in the Force to be the mastery of both sides of it, her boundless hunger for power and curiosity having ironically inadvertedly kept her from falling into the depths of depravity so many Sith have before her. To this effect, time has healed some wounds. While she believes the Jedi are blind fools, she does not inherently despise them as a whole any longer, nor particularly share Sidious's dream of destroying them. In fact, one might even go as far as to say she'd regret seeing the Jedi wiped out and would be perfectly willing to coexist with them peacefully if the opportunity presented itself. That said, while she can be cordial and objective, she can also be equally ruthless, even sadistically cruel towards those that offend her. Despite her default state, it is important to never forget that she is most certainly not any less a Sith for her oddities... and is, in fact, perhaps all the more dangerous for them. Her extremely fine control of her emotions and how they interact with the Force mean she can go from zero to a hundred and back almost entirely without warning, and the disarming charm she has partially inherited from Sidious's teachings make her an incredibly proficient social navigator with a silver tongue that has changed the course of her Galaxy. She is a self-interested manipulator at heart, who knows exactly what kind of monster Sidious is and does his bidding with an easy affability, morals be damned. Of course, the convenient caveat to this for our protagonists is that she certainly doesn't see any reason why she should owe the [i]local[/i] Sidious anything. Whatever she and her Grievous's personal feelings on the matter, they owe the local Separatists no allegiance, even if pretending otherwise under the right circumstances could be useful. It's nothing personal, but from an objective standpoint, defeating the Replicators is only common sense to snuff a threat that might spread back to their world.[/indent] Bio: [indent]In another place and time, Darth Sidious would do a bit more than cackle quietly over Count Dooku's indiscretions in training powerful "assassins". To make sure Dooku understood how replaceable he truly was if push came to shove, Sidious took on an "assassin" of his own, a former Jedi youngling. From a young age, Sinnali had possessed a gift for vivid Force visions and -resultingly- an unnatural intellect and emotional development for her age. As such, when she was unwillingly recruited into the Jedi Order by Master Pong Krell, she developed a deep and abiding grudge for her circumstances and -in many ways- sought to defy the Jedi out of spite. Her unusual emotional development made her harder to indoctrinate in the Jedi ways, and more damningly -when her hunger for all knowledge was accounted for, it made her very attracted to the Dark side. Not just because she wanted to learn everything, no matter if it was "Light" or "Dark", but because telling a child that despises you not to do something will always naturally make them want to do it more. Her unsuitability as a Jedi was clear enough that there was a true risk she would never be a Padawan, but before she could be sent to the Agricultural Corps, Sinnali fled the order entirely, all her possessions in tow. It didn't take a watchful Sidious much effort at all to bring the power-hungry girl into the fold. And so, with a new name soon after bestowed by the Dark Side, Darth Sinnali became a very different sort of apprentice than others Sidious had trained before. It was made clear from the start that Sinnali was only useful as long as she was threatening Dooku's position, but her training accounted for the fact that she could never match him in the ways he specialized. Instead, where Tyrannus was Sidious's arm abroad, Sinnali was his tool at home, her skillset that of honeyed words and creeping mental influence. She was his voice in the dark and puppet strings upon the Republic Senate, helping him to consolidate power through coercion, bribery, assassination and fear, weaving a web among the courts to sow the seeds for the Galactic Empire. In time, Sinnali would be put to work in matters abroad to expand her horizons, during which time she would then become involved in the Clone Wars and acquainted with Sidious's inner circle, including Dooku and Grievous. She would also be set to the task of hunting down lost Sith and Jedi lore and artifacts, which would eventually lead to her becoming acquainted with the works of Sidious's own late Master, Darth Plagueis, an eventuality that would begin Sinnali's development as a true Sith. Her forays in distant places would eventually culminate in her thwarting the near successful destruction of the rebuilt Malevolence at Pammant Docks and subsequently being assigned to command it and preside over General Grievous as the acting commander for the vessel. Though she acknowledged Grievous's superior experience in vessel command and usually left everything to him, there was no mistake going forward that she was meant to temper him and foil any Force-driven interference from the likes of the Jedi. In practice, Sinnali's honeyed words and willingness to take a backseat mean that she and Grievous shared approximately equal authority, and both could at least begrudgingly respect the other. For that reason, Grievous grew less recalcitrant to accept her strategic suggestions or to change course when Sinnali did have to exercise her authority over him. Grievous was acknowledged the tactical superior, commanding battles from the top with occasional advice from Sinnali, and Sinnali was the "face" of the crew, taking the lead in social situations. Certainly, this was helped no small degree by Sinnali using the Force to slowly work the general over to her way of thinking in some respects, acting as an impromptu secret "therapist" to address the hatred and overconfidence that were his greatest weaknesses as a commander. By the present day, their working relationship is objectively young but surprisingly firm, enough so that when Daniel Jackson came calling, Sinnali was able to convince Grievous to stomach aiding the Republic -even if it was just an alternate version of it.[/indent] Skills: [indent]Sinnali's most refined skills lean towards the mental and telekinetic. She is an able manipulator of minds on either individual or mass scale, able to use a form of "perception manipulation" to become entirely undetectable to those without mental defenses and inflict lasting compulsions on victims or even read and manipulate memories. Her awareness of the Force is nothing less than prodigal, displaying a casual ease with telekinesis that shames even the most proficient Jedi Knights and more than a few Masters. Her mastery of telekinesis is so great she can lift and restrain entire Star Destroyers, her fine control surgical and no less potent, to such a degree that she has been able to channel it in a tactile manner that allows her to perceive her surroundings without any of her biological senses. She makes extremely heavy use of her telekinesis, even in pitched lightsaber combat, using it to batter and dominate her opponents. As remaining hidden was a core component of her early Sith training, Sinnali displays a similar skill to Sidious in concealing her nature as a Dark Side user when necessary, not only shielding her mind and Force signature, but able to project a falsified state for both. She is even capable of casting an illusion over herself to occasionally conceal the signs of Dark side overuse. She is a dirty fighter, proficient in Form 7, 2 and 3, who engages in such tactics as strategically shutting off and reigniting her lightsaber for an edge. While she is certainly an excellent master of the blade, compared to true masters, she lags behind and compensates with her skill in combat precognition. She is far more proficient in raw Force manipulation, preferring to defeat her opponents without ever having to ignite her saber, whether that be with honeyed words or terrifying might in the Force. She is capable of creating fairly strong Force lightning, but it's not her specialty. By contrast, she is quite proficient at absorbing or deflecting Force lightning and other energies. Through her studies of Plageuis's research, she is capable of manipulating Midi-Chlorians to some degree, mostly using it to enhance her healing abilities, which have thus-far allowed her to get away from Sidious's training sessions without lasting scars. She is capable of Battle Meditation in both variants, using the Ionize technique, and is even capable of deflecting lightsabers with her bare hands. On the more mundane end, she is an able slicer/hacker and able to program droids and AI. She is fully capable of constructing from scratch several notable technologies, including all the components required to make a lightsaber from nothing. [/indent] [/hider] [b]Unique Technology:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ion_pulse_cannon]Ion Cannons[/url] [indent]A pair of gigantic cannons several hundred meters in diameter, with one fitted upon both the port and starboard sides of the ship, they are charged with plasma rotors and fire a focused and directed ionic pulse, completely neutralizing the power systems of nearly any technology -particularly warships in original intent- unfortunate enough to be caught in the way, leaving them without deflector shields, weapons or communications. Each cannon needs a significant cool-down period after each shot, to let ionized particles be cleaned out of the cannon before the next firing sequence. [/indent] [b]Crew Size:[/b] 25,350 (minimum/operational crew: 900, mostly located in the spire-like command bridge) [b]Passenger Size: [/b] 60,000 droids. [b]Cargo Capacity:[/b] 13,000 tons. [b]Cargo Handling Systems:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rail_jet/Legends]Rail jet transportation system[/url] [b]Consumables:[/b] 2 years. [b]Faction/Operator/Owner:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Confederacy_of_Independent_Systems/Legends]Confederacy of Independent Systems/Separatists[/url], [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Grievous/Legends]Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, General Grievous[/url], Darth Sinnali. [hider=Theme(s)] [hider=Sinnali] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZmF30EmY3M[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=The Malevolence] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIeAnSQipIc[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6_gQCehoKw[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]