[hider=Adrian Lichter] [quote] [center][url=https://youtu.be/O6m-T_SFJkg?][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/064/290/036/large/victoria-celovaka-.jpg?1687553599[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3][b]Adrian Lichter[/b][/h3] [b]Male[/b] || [b]710[/b] || [b]Full Borg[/b] [i]"Targets located. Proceeding with sterilization protocol."[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] Thanks to a full-body conversion, not much remains of Adrian Lichter the man. Granted, his humanity was always questionable, even before the wars that scorched a majority of the planet and killed vast swathes of humanity. [i]Forcing the rest to make their way in the wastelands that had been left behind...[/i] Standing head and shoulders above most men, Lichter cuts quite the intimidating figure thanks to his augments and cold, mechanical way of doing things. As such his appearance rarely seems to change. Instead it consistently conforms to function over form no matter the circumstance, though at times he may shake things up by mounting the additional weapon platform or two. Typically a shoulder-mounted missile rack of some sort whose targeting systems are linked to his optics, wolvers mounted in each arm, or a retractable arm cannon, although he has fielded more outlandish modifications in the past. [b][u]Faction[/u][/b] [abbr=GeoNet.]Solo.[/abbr] [b][u]History[/u][/b] Born in the year 2375, Lichter had a troubled childhood to say the least. Brought up in the decade preceding the Corporate Wars, Adrian's life was filled with conflict and struggle as the price of goods steadily increased due to corporate greed and maneuvering. Compounding this issue was the kid's generally toxic attitude and outlook on life--formulated in part by his parent's increasingly dysfunctional relationship--which only worsened over time as he matured, eventually culminating in what can only be described as a deep-seated hatred for the overly emotional nature of humanity, as well as the inefficiency that inevitably resulted from it. Then the wars came, and with them the final nail in the coffin to cement Adrian's misanthropic worldview. At first he didn't pay much mind to the conflict between megacorps, seeing it as yet another example of humanity's shortcomings, though they eventually managed to recruit everyone from his neck of the woods through less than savory means. Thus it was that, at the tender age of twenty-five, Lichter saw combat for the first time. It was here in his very first skirmish that he lost three of his limbs to an enemy grenade and had to undergo cybernetic replacement surgery. When he awoke, however, he was not upset. No, quite the opposite actually. He was downright elated, for at long last he had managed to correct at least some of the inefficiencies present within his own form. Even so, he recognized the fact that there were a lot more modifications left to go before he was truly perfect. Adrian began taking more dangerous assignments and posts closer and closer to the frontlines as a result, until eventually the only organic part of his body left by the end was his brain, though calling it such would be somewhat of a misnomer considering just how far from baseline his neural structure had drifted at that point thanks to extensive modification. Regardless he would continue to serve for many years afterwards, albeit as the perfect killing machine thanks to his new mechanical nature. It took the bombs falling and the formulation of the Megacity Plan for him to finally be recalled from active service, not that he minded of course. [i]Or that he really could...[/i] In any case, Adrian would go dark during the years that followed, only to reappear in the recently established Megacity-01 when a trio of gangs (whose names have long since been forgotten) attempted to blow up the Spire. Though the details of what went down that night are fuzzy, and worsened further thanks to highly embellished retellings peddled by the stupid and greedy, the massacre that followed over the next seven hours remains etched within the public consciousness still. How could it not when the only thing to dominate the holo-feeds for weeks on end was an image of Lichter standing atop a pile of burning corpses, dead gangbanger in hand as he awaited orders, all while the on-site MCPD officers cowered in fear? [b][u]Cybernetics[/u][/b] Adrian makes use of a heavily modified military-grade cyberbody outfitted with the following: Two sets of interface plugs, a chip slot, pain editors, link set (smartgun, vehicle, data), optics suite (low-light, thermograph, targeting scope, anti-dazzle, heads-up display), cyberaudio (radio, tight-beam radio, and cellular links with scrambler, scanner, enhanced range, amplified hearing, sound editor, level damper, linguistic translator), wolvers in both arms, quick change mounts for the installation of additional weapon subsystems, radiation and EMP shielding (complete with detectors and warning systems for both). Some additional upgrades have been installed over the years as well, either by the GeoNet's governing AI or by his erstwhile corporate overlords in order to make him a more effective asset on the battlefield. These upgrades are listed below. [list] [*][b]Environmental Assimilation System:[/b] The exterior patterning and coloration of Lichter's cyberbody can be selected. Internal memory stores 24 different camouflage patterns (desert, urban, snow, etc.) as well as rat black and olive drab coloration, all selectable by the borg. ‎ [*][b]Autoinjector:[/b] This is a small, refillable drug injector which can dose the brain with psychoactive chemicals. ‎ [*][b]Ammo Hopper:[/b] This is a back-mounted ammo container with an electrically-powered belt feed. It can be modified to carry almost any type of ammo, and holds 20x the weapon's standard magazine capacity. ‎ [*][b]Black Box Recorder:[/b] This is a built-in synaptic recorder, which--as the name suggests--records and stores on chip everything the borg experiences during its mission. It is used for post-mission analysis and debriefing, and it records what happened to those borgs who didn't make it. ‎ [*][b]Chronometer:[/b] Lichter's cyberbody has a built-in timekeeping unit with stopwatch and alternate time-zone functions, all displayed on the HUD. ‎ [*][b]Ambidexterity Sub-Processor:[/b] This allows Lichter to use either arm with equal effectiveness, and at the same time. ‎ [*][b]IR Thermal Dam:[/b] This system absorbs IR emissions until they can be safely bled off; this is done in a random pattern, so that it does not appear to come from a humanoid source. ‎ [*][b]Locator Beacon:[/b] A radio signal unit with a 100 kilometer range, because you want to protect your investment. ‎ [*][b]IFF Transponder:[/b] This emits a coded, Identify Friend-or-Foe signal so that friendly patrols, smart mines, and air support won't mistake the borg in question for an enemy. ‎ [*][b]Satellite Link:[/b] This high-powered microwave communication system (which utilizes a transmitter chip embedded in the skull) allows communication with friendly satellites, giving instant access to battlefield data, intelligence, and updated orders. It also has a global positioning system which can pinpoint the borg's true Earth location to within 5 meters. ‎ [*][b]Wolvers:[/b] Among the longest and deadliest variants of implantable blade designs--that also just so happen to be inspired by and named after the claws of the titular weasel--wolvers are inserted along the back of the hand. Whenever the hand is clenched, the thin, triangular blades telescope and lock into place, remaining extended a full foot until the hand is relaxed. [/list] [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [url=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WKxEXJ][b]Zastava Mk. 45 HMG [Primary - Modified]:[/b][/url] The Mk. 45 heavy machine gun was engineered by the best and brightest of Zastava with two core functions in mind: One, to be mountable on armored vehicles, and two, easily installed in and around defensive perimeters. In other words, it was designed as a heavy-hitter that was meant to be bolted down. No one within Zastava ever considered the idea that anyone could--or indeed [i]would[/i]--want to carry a gun this massive anywhere, whether they were loaded with cybernetics or not. But, as usual, it seems the human will found a way. The Mk. 45 HMG can sometimes be found cradled in the arms of heavily modded solos and gangsters, as they're the only people capable of withstanding the powerful recoil. However, the Mk. 45 cannot be reloaded easily by one person in combat situations, unless they happen to have a built-in ammo hopper and modified gun, effectively making it a one-hit wonder. Still, this hasn't proved a major drawback for most. By the time its clip is emptied, there's typically no one left to shoot at anyway. [url=https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ZGBe3N][b]Remington XS-2 [Secondary]:[/b][/url] The XS-2 is an unusual breed both because of its bizarre appearance and its unconventional technological foundation. Instead of firing ordinary buckshot, this electromag shotgun launches small, razor-sharp steel spikes. Critics argue that the XS-2's heaviness and bulkiness make it unreasonably inconvenient for practical use. Its advocates, however, point out that the American-made shotgun is undeterred by walls. Officers within the MCPD belong to the latter group. After many trials in the field, the XS-2 has proven itself consistently effective at bringing down even the most heavily chromed Mods. [b][u]Quirks[/u][/b] [list] [*]Speaks in a bassy monotone. ‎ [*]Is completely robotic in thought. Possesses no emotion or human traits beyond the shape and look of his body, although even that is debatable. ‎ [*]Doesn't sleep. Ever. Can go into standby for long periods of time, however. [/list] [b][u]Haunts[/u][/b] [b]The Spire:[/b] Located at the very heart of Megacity-01 is the Spire. This upper class sector is the only place where it isn’t cramped, there are trees, and things aren’t always breaking. As you might expect, the Spire is home to the Heirs, MCPD, any decent stores, and the members of E Street that have stayed in the Heirs’ good graces. Dominating the Spire is a massive tower that gave the area it’s name. Housed within this building are the CPU for the GeoNet AI and the servers that maintain it. In addition, several floors of the Spire act as luxury apartments for the richest Heirs. To even own the smallest space within this massive tower is considered a major status symbol. [/quote] [/hider]