[quote]I often use incognito mode when browsing this site as I tend to engage in adult themes, preferring to keep these personal and unrelated to my day-to-day life. Nevertheless, even with this precaution I've noticed ads popping which give the accurate addresses to nearby businesses, sometimes within walking distance away from my actual location. Now I'm not an expert on the matter, but if google has taught me anything in last few hours of searching, it's all due to something called an 'IP address' that's linked to my real-time location. So, my question is, how long does this website store personal data and IP addresses (honestly, my only real concern is the IP, nothing more). Is my IP address permanently logged onto the site, or will it be automatically overwritten/deleted if enough time passed without me being on the site? I'm guessing this site stores information separately to the ads too, if so then I'm only concerned about the site, and how long IP addresses is stored.[/quote] All incognito mode does is intentionally fail to save your browsing history. It clearly states that your ISP and the like may still be able to see the sites you visit, and they do since they're the ones routing all that traffic unless you're using something like TOR (although with the right analysis methods or you owning nodes through which traffic is routed, even this isn't completely hidden from prying eyes). So naturally ads in Chrome can see/display your IP address--or your router's rather--and then narrow down your location based on that. Chrome as a browser does the exact same when you're just browsing regularly, it even states your estimated location near the bottom of the page of search results for example. They do this even if you turn locational data off, although it gives a supposedly less accurate location. I say supposedly because I personally have that option switched off on my PC and phone and they still narrow down my real world location to within a town of where I actually live. There's also analyzing traffic a user sends in general, along with what sites they visit and products they purchase to put together a kind of profile that lets you narrow down where they are most likely to be in the real world, but since my memory is so spotty at the moment I won't go too deep into that as I don't want to give potentially misleading or false information. Matter of fact, those who know more or have more experience in the IT and data analysis field please feel free to correct anything I might have messed up thus far, lol. The first issue could be caused by a wide variety of things. See the follow-up reply for more info.