[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6666FF]Demetri Rowan Howell[/color][/b] [b][color=CC00CC]Cassian Rudenko[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1125619539040813077/Copy_of_Black_and_Gold_Eye_Modern_Occult_Illustrative_Halloween_Virtual_Background.gif[/img][hr][b][color=6666FF]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6666FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Agility, Endurance [hr][hr][/center] Cassian placed one hand on his jaw where Demi had hit him. Burning pain raging across the length of it in waves as he felt the heat and sting from the hit still. He winced slightly at the touch, still laying on the ground as he simply watched Demi walk away from it all. He hadn’t meant to lie, he only wished to keep them all from missing their train and delaying the quest even further than they already had. As far as he was concerned it made sense for Nancy and Zeke to be back already, for them to have joined them onto the train even if just a few cars away to keep the tensions low. He hadn’t anticipated any of this, but then again that wasn’t his fathers area. They weren’t seers. Alexios had left him, just as quickly as he’d come he was already back on Demetri’s side. Again Cassian felt a bit alone amongst this group, that is until Kristin had come over towards him and lent a helping hand. Picking him up off the ground before helping to escort him over towards a free seat so he could attempt to recover in peace while she went to check out what all had transpired. She seemed just as confused as he was, and he figured Janelle was probably even more confused than the rest as she couldn’t even see what had just happened. Cassian sat there for a moment, looking towards the direction of Demetri as he watched Kristen make her way towards him. Determination within every step she took. Cass quickly looked away once again, not wanting to spur his ire once more just for looking at his direction. So he focused on the middle ground between his feet. Watching as the lights danced by while the train moved and shadows passed. He began to wonder if every quest was like this, if it was then his mother had left out some very important details when telling him of her exploits from her younger days. Cassian took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as they stayed fixated on the spot between his feet where for a moment peace could exist. He let out the breath and got up, making his way towards where Janelle sat, seeing the spot next to her that Kristin left empty. [color=CC00CC]”This spot taken?”[/color] Pressure found its way lightly onto Demi’s shoulders as his eyes were closed and tears streamed down his cheeks. It wasn’t hard to tell who’s arm had now found its way wrapped around him. No one else had muscle tones like the god that accompanied them right now. Part of Demetri wanted to curl into it and just cry like he had with his mother. Finding the perfect nook on the chest and pressing his eyes in it as it licked up the tears from his eyes and muffled the sounds of sobs that followed after. But he didn’t do that. He knew it wasn’t Zeke and as attractive as Alexios was, he wasn't the one that Demetri wanted to be vulnerable with. He wanted to remove the arm from his shoulders, to shirk it off and tell him to leave him alone, but he didn’t even have the strength to do that. It wasn’t until he heard Kristin’s voice that he’d finally looked up from his pitiful seat and saw the intense look in her eyes. [color=6666ff]”Nothing happened. Just…”[/color] Demi didn’t know what to say. Of his actions, his feelings, what he was thinking, any of it. It was him and Zeke against the world, and then suddenly he was alone again. Was it a mistake to have said yes? To have dated Zeke? Did Demi truly just ruin everything that he touched? His words choked up inside his throat as the tears streamed down in larger drops than before as he looked at Kristin. His chest felt tight and it burned so badly he hadn’t any idea how he was alive. [color=6666ff]”He promised me Zeke would be safe. That they’d be on this train. He’s not here…he’s out there with gods’ know what monsters are lying in wait for them and we’re all just here like nothing happened. Like it's just another day with another Demi-god offered up like a sacrifice for the gods' amusement. None of you even care. I bet you were all just waiting for Zeke to leave. I know what you think of him, of me. I just…I wish I had a way to make sure he was ok…”[/color] Another tear fell from his face, the light from the window hitting it just right as a rainbow shined through it. The color’s danced across the floor until the movement caused them to be placed within his hands, solidifying into a prism. Demi stared at it for a moment, wondering if a god had taken pity on him and answered his prayers, if this was like Marco’s compact and gave him the ability to speak to Zeke. Demi was eager to test it out, to see if it held the answers to his wish, but just as he was about to use it…he faltered. What if Zeke didn’t want to talk to him, what if he caught Zeke and Nancy in an emotional moment they didn't want others to pry on? Or what if this was Zeke’s way of saying he didn’t want to be with him anymore? After all, if Zeke wanted to reach out he could always send him an iris message couldn’t he? Demetri’s chest tightened once more as he sat there, clutching the prism in his hands tightly as if it would disappear just as quickly as it had come. If he hadn't heard from Zeke by nightfall…He’d find out just what this prism could do.