[CENTER][img]https://i.ibb.co/TYk8FL3/haruhi-header.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] It was true, Haruhi didn't use signs herself because of her relationship with work. She was determined beyond anything to do all her own work; to break the earth and grow a delicious harvest without using a single Sign. The only magic she used, she thought, was the magic of good old hard work (and a big, friendly horse). Most in the village didn't understand it, and it was obvious. Even her parents didn't understand it; they'd grown up using Signs, and Growth was like second nature to them, so they couldn't fathom why their daughter would forgo that incredibly ease and convenience for no good reason. But still, despite all the thoughts that she'd heard on the matter, it was a strict, disciplined standard that she set for herself, and she refused to break under any circumstances. All that being said, though, she only held [i]herself[/i] to that standard. She didn't begrudge anybody [i]else[/i] the use of Signs, of course; how ridiculous would [i]that[/i] be, considering how common and widespread they were? They were [i]everywhere[/i] in the valley, it'd be absurd. Suffice to say, she held absolutely nothing against people who chose to use Signs. So it was with a gaze equal parts fascination and wonder that she watched Mio. Trailing after her over to her worktable, she watched as she shuffled through a stack of papers before clearing a space down. Then she gripped the fragments together, and her hand suddenly [i]glowed like the sun.[/i] Mending was pretty amazing, wasn't it? The way that the fragments started off twisted and warped and shattered like they'd been that morning so far, and then--when Mio took her faded, no-longer-glowing hand away--were remade and perfectly intact into a perfect hoe, was super cool in her book. When Mio bowed and presented the tool back to her, she picked it up with one hand, tested the connection, tested the metal, tapped it lightly against the wall, then leaned against the suddenly-functional hoe like a walking staff, wearing a bright smile. "[color=00FF36]Perfect! Thanks so so much! Do you like leeks? I'll save you the best when they come in![/color]" At that thought, she jumped as a thought came into her mind, and she scratched her head with an embarrassed laugh. "[color=00FF36]Oh, wait...I was in such a rush to get this fixed up that I left the farm without a single piece of money, didn't I?[/color]" She'd gotten away with not paying before, but it never rubbed her the right way; if they were helping her, then didn't they deserve it? So she pressed her hands together apologetically in front of her. "[color=00FF36]How much do I owe you? I'll come back 'n pay it later on! Or, I dunno,[/color]" she laughed, "[color=00FF36]Maybe I could pay for all your food at the festival! How's that sound? Are you comin' this year?[/color]" [hr] [sup][right][color=00FF36]Interactions:[/color] [i]Mio [@McMolly][/i][/right][/sup]