Oh and for more info on just how not anonymous we all really are, government agencies like the NSA and FBI or CIA aside (as they all have their own means of breaking cryptographic protections, or already look at all or most of the data you send, and so on), there's this wikipedia page on web tracking. Obviously looking at the sources and doing your own research is recommended: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_tracking EDIT: I can't say for how long each address is logged as it likely varies from administrator to administrator, server to server, site to site, etc. Plus I'm not in the IT field professionally just yet, I only have what I know from reading online and from what I got when getting my associates degree (I am working on my bachelors presently), so I can't speak with any authority as to the general practices of, say, a company like Google when it comes to how long they keep logs of IP addresses. All right, so one of the only things I could find on IP logging policies is a Stack Exchange question. The rest was either Quora discussions or Reddit threads: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/202842/do-isp-s-in-america-keep-ip-assignment-logs-forever#:~:text=There%20seems%20to%20be%20no,to%20cooperate%20with%20law%20enforcement. I'll go ahead and link those too come to think of it, along with a blog on the matter I found, but take them with a grain of salt just in case: https://www.quora.com/For-how-long-do-ISPs-store-browsing-records-Do-they-keep-the-name-of-the-subscriber-associated-with-the-IP-address-indefinitely https://chefkochblog.wordpress.com/2017/12/18/how-long-does-your-isp-store-ip-address-logs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/nc3jht/do_websitesservices_typically_know_every_ip/ https://torrentfreak.com/how-long-does-your-isp-store-ip-address-logs-120629/