[center][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/KHoDdh4HTv9AuzMupk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952k1y3pykq1qjgka0waag1ups1injjrb3wy29er93s&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [hr][/center] [INDENT][INDENT][color=FF2B2A]“We need to find food, too. Clean water. Unless you want to go keycard hunting on an empty stomach.”[/color] The remark was made rather matter-of-factly, like Hera didn’t care at all about what they were all going through. Some of her body language betrayed that idea–the way she was clutching her blazer, the slight twitch of her fingers, and how she kept looking around the classroom. The classroom was well-stocked… for literature. Plenty of books reciting old stories they had been tasked with studying before the end of the year. Mr. Potter had opted for an obscure novel by Mary Shelley, The Last Man, about the struggles of a man named Lionel Verney as he came to terms that the bubonic plague had left very few alive in its wake. The very first dystopian novel. Mr. Potter may have had a sense of humor after all. Not that a bunch of paper was going to be much use to them. School still had power. Heating and Water. At least that was a silver lining. As she thought about utilities and defense, a thought came to her mind. [color=FF2B2A]The chair legs could be useful.[/color] She looked to the chairs that sat in the classroom, moving one over to its side. Virco 9000. If they had a screwdriver they could remove the metal legs from the hard plastic. Right. She looked over to her classmate who was shuffling through Mr. Potter’s desk. There was no chance in hell that there was a screwdriver in there. 99.9% chance there was nothing useful in general. Well, she hoped the girl could find something. Anything, really. It would be better than nothing, that much was for sure. What the girl would find, unfortunately, was little more than two energy bars (chocolate, though), a bunch of papers (including divorce papers yet to be signed), and one pack of mechanical pencils with two remaining. [/INDENT][/INDENT]