[center][h2][i]It's a Party![/i][/h2][/center] [i]Just a few moments ago[/i] Freya casually placed her empty champagne flute on the proffered tray. And unless someone looked really hard the security keycard nestled among the remains of the icecubes in the flute. She smiles and plucks another from the tray, playing the part, handing it to Ingwe first. She slid a hand down his hand after he took the champagne flute. Oh but it's a good play. Ingwe having eyes only for the great giant of a woman. Jamie standing there looking quite angry over all of it. The big man stopped though a second, and turned slowly. Looking right into Xander's eyes. He quirked a brow then a big toothy smile crossed his face. He nodded and under his breath grunted, "Glitch, well look at you, I thought you were off shift too?" Jamie smiles, and as Xander passes Jamie whispers to him "You need anything you let me know, I've got your back." He then quickly turns to narrow his eyes at Ingwe and his sister. As Freya is leaning in and just hairsbreadths from Ingwe's lips. Jamie almost growls. Which causes Freya to dart back, "Oh I'm sorry...I might be starting to feel the bubbly." Meanwhile Ingwe is slightly breathless and red in the face, his lips half puckered and seemingly quite empty headed right now. Freya turning slightly and smiling at first her brother, who gives her the stink eye for what she's up too, then past him, and manages to catch the eye of Samantha "Chaos" Dalton as she passes through the main room giving one of her fellow female operatives a smile and a wink of luck. During all of this Carl is standing near by ostensibly watching the kids, the three giants in the room. Shaking his head at the antics of Freya and Ingwe. As well as watching Jamie do the protective brother routine to a tee, the siblings managing to play off each other, repeatedly drawing the rooms attention to them. Between moments of keeping Ingwe off his game. Freya greets other party goers. One an up and coming defense contractor, who is fairly well known in some shadier circles for taking some really...dark...contracts. She grins, "Kortsky! Well look at you, love the suit. How was that thing in the Congo? Big dust up wasn't it? I mean after that crazy thing with that guy the Hyena years ago I'm surprised they want foreigners come in you know?" Jan Kortsky clears his throat and smiles, "Oh you know things need to be done sometimes Dr. Kanatarrio, and people like us need to clean it up. Good to see you by the way I've heard great things about your projects. I hear something about a mass driver? The army and navy have been trying for years, but I hear your tests are going well. When are we going to see a demo hun?" Freya chuckles, "Stick around tonight and you just may. I brought some toys." The man almost looks giddy, "I look forward to it!" Kortsky says and then scampers off, likely to spread the news. Jamie hums, "Didn't realize you were here on business business too sis." Freya grins and hands Jamie another champagne flute, "Business and pleasure lil' brother." She then turns back to Ingwe, "Lots and lots of pleasure if you're lucky." The man who had been drifting snaps back to attention on Freya, going blank eyed and completely attention on the large well dressed...and let's face it flaunting woman.