[quote=@Lewascan2] Depends on where it wants to land and if it [i]should[/i] land at all. Because yeah, it's "fucking huge", to say the least. It's also a battleship in intent and role, so to be honest, even if it has permission, it's unlikely the Malevolence will ever actually land on Coruscant physically and will just act as orbital artillery. From a practical standpoint, neither Sinnali or Grievous is willing to risk landing and having Replicators board them anyway. At most, they will send landing craft or bombers and such down to the surface physically, but there's no way the Malevolence is going to risk a hostile takeover. All it takes is one stowaway to accidentally bring the threat back to their own universe, assuming the Replicators consider that kind of patience. [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/WWWF_El44VIAAAAC/captain-spock-spock.gif[/img]