[CENTER][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1070187379547176990/1125947486977138688/Efraim_Canis.png[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=SILVER][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Augmented Reality Center - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=SILVER][b]First Class #2.97[/b][/COLOR] [I]Suit up time[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=SILVER][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Anyone nearby[/I][/sub] [INDENT] So it looks like the chat with Haleigh will have to wait. As they were talking, did things kick off, and he had to head to the augmented reality center with his team. One of these days, he can actually have a conversation with someone. But at least he has gotten some words in with Haleigh today at least. So here goes seeing what exactly they will be doing at the augmented reality center. So he followed Miranda and listen to her as she spoke. “The A.R.C. a form of neural transmitter linked with a feedback suit and artificial environment to create a convincing simulation that you are using your abilities, when in reality we’ve merely tapped into the part of your brain and are redirecting those signals through an emulator. This only works within the A.R.C. and can’t function outside of these walls. It’s not a replacement for an inhibitor, despite in many ways acting similar to one.” Okay so it is just practice but simulated, and he does not have to worry about messing up his clothes. He thought as he entered the augmented reality center and saw a familiar face waiting for them. Aiden Roth, the House Canis rep, and he also listened to what he said. [color=#e06666]"Some of you might be aware of how your abilities work. To others, this might be new, but all Hyperhuman abilities rely on the manipulation of high-energy particles, particles which are driven by Earth's electromagnetic spheres. These high-energy particles, or hazies as they’re colloquially referred to, exist all around us, not unlike an active energy field."[/color] Really? That is how their powers work? Efraim was surprised by that and thought that something else was behind it. Like a mutation or something that is not just manipulating particles. So him being able to manipulate his bones is because of particles that just exist on earth? [color=#e06666]But there is a finite limit to them at any given time and the more Hyperhumans localized in one sphere, the weaker they become as there are fewer hazies available to each of them to manipulate. For some of you with abilities normally beyond your control, this makes P.R.C.U. the safest place for you to be.”[/color] Okay, that is also new. The more hypers in one place, the weaker they are. So that night when they were camping, they were at their weakest since everyone was there? He did not feel weak that night, and this place being the safest place for them. Well, considering what has happened, that may no longer be true, but he will have to see if any more incidents happened. [color=#e06666]“You’re able to suppress the abilities of another in order to prioritize your own. That’s how Hyperion was able to prevent you from retaliating and rendered you seemingly powerless. The flip side to this ability is that you’re also able to redirect your own hazies to another to boost or bolster their abilities. Today we’re going to work on those two techniques.” [/color] That is why no one did anything that night? He suppressed everyone? That, at least, is some explanation than just being a coward or something. Still, every hyper can both suppress or boost another hyper. More stuff he did not know, and yeah. It is practicing but practicing something else than he thought. Either way, he was ready. He just needs to get into a suit and find someone to practice with. The last time he checked, he is an esoteric, something hyper, and so should he get with another esoteric or an exoteric? It probably does not matter, but it does not hurt to think who is the best one to pair up with. So Efraim went into the changing rooms and, after finding the right suit and putting it on, which felt comfortable to him. He left the changing room, and now came the hard part. Finding someone to partner with, looked around the room. He saw that two girls looked like they were pairing up, so not either of them. So after a moment of deciding, Efraim took a deep breath and walked over to someone. Sounding friendly when he spoke, [color=#008080]"Hey, and would you like to pair up with me?"[/color][/INDENT][/INDENT]