[h2]Astro Megatimeship[/h2] As the ship arrived in orbit around Coruscant, the Rangers looked out of the front viewscreen. "It's... Kinda beautiful..." Mele stated. "Even if it is getting bombed into the ground." Kai replied, sighing. "What are we even going to do? If that god-guy-" "His name is Daniel." Raekar butted in. "If DANIEL is able to pull all of us out of our time-lines and dump us here, i don't see why he can't just poof these technobugs out of existance. And don't give me that whole "ThE oThErS wOnT lEt Me!" crap. I've had enough of Gods not stepping up when they need to. Say what you like about Mom, but at least she damn well got off her ass and helped when the universe needed her to." He grunted back. "Gods are always fickle creatures" Michelle replied. "Only the dark gods are willing to do what is needed unconditionally in order to further their dark cause. Very few gods of order and light seem willing to do what is needed unconditionally." "Speaking from personal experience?" Jay asked with a friendly smile. She simply stared emotionlessly back at him, as she tended to do. "I am fortunate to be servant to the Mystic Mother." She replied. "Well, i'm just glad that we will have some military back up for once." Asami smiled. "Like, actual soldiers. The Hengemen are just..." She stared at an inactive Hengeman in the corner. "I'm just glad that we get actual soldiers to back us up this time." Jack stared at her. "Hey, we're soldiers. Badass-kickers, ready to fight." He held out his fist to Philip, who stared at it for a second, before he bumped it with his fist. "Still sad Captain Carter wouldn't give us a go with those F-302's." "Hey, i think she's just scared of the Wizardactyl running rings around those things." Kai laughed. They saw the other ships arriving. "Well, it looks like we have a party." He walked over to Jack and bowed to him. "So, Red, what's the plan?" Jack looked out of the window. "Follow the Blue Typhoon in." he replied. The Astro Megatimeship followed the Blue Typhoon in landing far more gently. The Rangers made their way outside and looked up at the constant rain of orbital fire crashing through the sky.