[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/a2/13/15/a2131529f72bddc1af6188ed6eb452fc--comic-superheroes-war-machine.jpg[/img][/center] Wulff didn't question the mismatch of ships that entered the system, or orbit over Coruscant. Traffic had been light, with only a few key personnel moving in and out of the system. All other traffic had been barred. Ensuring that the fleet understood that these vessels weren't here for anything nefarious. Wullf at first thought he was having some form of episode when this 'Daniel' first appeared to him, but after this so-called 'ascended being' had met with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and members of the Jedi Council he was told that the offer for aide was in-fact genuine. Still seeing these very [i]alien[/i] ships appear was odd, some of them headed down to the planet landing just outside of the containment zone, whereas others chose to remain in orbit. He turned to his second in command, a clone called Neo. "Inform the representatives that our guests are here." Looking out at the hangar bay he watched as two T-6 shuttles took off and left, one down towards the planet and one towards the ship amassing in orbit. [hr] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/024/387/075/large/theo-bouvier-02.jpg?1582234511[/img] The Hammond dropped out of hyperspace and immediately tucked into formation with the Malevolence. The sheer [i]size[/i] off the vessel still threw Sam off balance. The only ship she had ever seen that rivaled it was the Super-Hive in orbit above Earth, and not even Atlantis could stop it, the only way to destroy it was a nuke down its throat. The technology on some levels was [i]less[/i] than that of the Hammond, but still. She was adamant she did not want a single Replicator to board that ship, if they took it and [i]upgraded[/i] it then it would be damn near unstoppable. Not only that but it came from an [i]alternate[/i] version of this universe they were now in. Did that mean vessels of this size were common here? If so they couldn't let the Replicators get off the planet. They'd be unstoppable. "Major Marks." "Ma'am?" "Open a channel to the fleet." "Channel Open." "This is Colonel Carter, we're trying to mask our ships signature by keeping in close formation with the Malevolence, running scans now to try and see what we're dealing with." Standing up out of the 'command chair' that was placed in the middle of the bridge she walked over to a nearby console, scanning the planet was incredible. The whole planet was one large superstructure, it was a Replicator's dream-world, the raw materials on this world alone would likely make an infestation just as large as they had faced in the Milky-Way before they activated the Dakara weapon. Jennifer Hailey came up behind her, Sam still saw her as the young-faced-head-strong Cadet she had met years ago but she had really come into her own in the fight against Queen Death and proven herself a distinguished officer. "The containment zone from their orbital bombardment seems to be working. We're not detecting any replicators outside of that sphere." "As far as we know." Sam hit a combination of keys, probing the Asgard sensors to delve deeper, clawing to get all the information they could. "Interference with all the life support and power systems is creating a lot of interference, we're struggling to scan below level 1313." Hailey nodded. "Maybe we can get one of the ships that have moved in closer to get a more accurate surface scan?" "I've already got Colonel Mitchell putting together a team to go down to the planet with handheld scanners, we'll beam them down once we're closer, Kevin put in a request to the [i]Blue Typhoon[/i] and [i]Astro-Mega[/i]-" What an odd name for a ship, but they might be thinking the same about her ships name. "-to allow us to beam people down to the surface with them. We need to get more accurate readings so we can make a plan." Currently the plan was to determine whether or not these Replicators were immune to the ARW technology developed by General O'Neill and the Asgard. If they weren't then they could slap something together pretty quickly to deactivate them. If they were, then it would take a little more trial and error.